Brand Highlights

Pawjourr Reviews: Top Top “Delicate Dog” Shampoo and “Pampered Pooch” Conditioner

This article was brought to you by Top Top Pet Care.

It’s no secret that our pooches are capable of self-maintenance. The occasional lick can help to clear dirt and keep their fur clean, but it’ll never be as effective as proper dog shampoo. Any pawrent would also want to make sure the hair care they use won’t strip their furbabies of their natural oils, nor will it use any chemicals that might be toxic to them.

Cue Top Top Pet Care, an up-and-coming dog care brand focused on developing all-natural products to help pets look, smell, and feel good. Designed to be the ideal bath care solution for both pets and strays, the brand works passionately to deliver quality products through its mission: “Changing lives, one bath at a time.”

When a long, exhausting week at the office left me spending less time with my boy Dexter, I decided to shower him with all my attention — a well-deserved doggie bath featuring Top Top’s shampoo and conditioner!

With Dexter, it’s hard to tell where the body ends and the fur begins.

My tiny boy runs around a lot, and his puffy hair makes him look like a giant dust bunny. ? Luckily for me, Top Top’s conditioner claims to soften hard, brittle hair. That makes it a perfect fit for dog breeds like Chihuahuas, Yorkies, and Spitzs (including Poms like Dexter!), all of whom have fur that require a moderate amount of brushing and maintenance. The shampoo also touts a long-lasting fragrance that eliminates doggy odour for up to seven days. Those are bold words, considering Dexter’s current dog shampoo fragrance wears off in three to four days. ?

Let’s put that claim to the test! 

After filling up the little tub for Dexter, I started him out with Top Top’s “Delicate Dog” Shampoo ($17.90). Upon opening the bottle, I could smell a sweet and floral flavour from its key ingredient: shea butter. Shea butter is well known for its curative properties and helps to guard against heat and UV rays, something we all have to deal with in Singapore’s climate. ?

Unlike most shampoos, Top Top’s soap-free solution was much gentler on Dexter’s skin and will not wipe off all his naturally-produced oils. He was really relaxed and comfortable just having me scrub down his fur, we even had some fun with the foam! 

Scrubbing through all of Dexter’s fur is usually tough because I have to get deep into his stubborn spots in case some dirt and bacteria decide to take up residence on him. Knowing that Top Top’s shampoo is antibacterial and effective against fungal skin diseases really takes a load off my mind.

Washed off, now for the conditioner!While the shampoo focused more on its antibacterial properties, the Top Top “Pampered Pooch” Conditioner ($17.90) had a soothing fragrance and fur-softening qualities that made for a pleasant pairing! Their other key ingredient, coconut oil, not only made Dexter’s fur softer and smoother, but it also helped to remove any doggy odour he had before his bath!

My boy released all his pent-up hyperactivity in one go before I took him out of the tub.

As I wiped Dexter down, I could already feel the difference — there weren’t any tangled clumps of fur. I personally enjoyed blow-drying his fur because of the sweet aroma of Dexter’s fur. It was sweet but not overpowering, with notes of sugar almost reminiscent of caramel candy ?. Brushing him after his shower was a breeze as I didn’t have to stop my hairdryer multiple times to remove his tangles.


I’d say I’m pretty sold on Top Top’s selection. I’ve never had this little fuss brushing Dexter’s frizzy coat before. My Dexter is still puffy (I guess some things can’t beat genetics) but his softness is on a whole other level now. I am also amazed at how effective their products were; “long-lasting smell for up to a week” is no mean feat. About four days after his shower, I brought Dexter out for a doggie playdate with all our other office pawpals and he had a field day with them — running all around the office and winding up dog-tired by the end of the day. The boy took a fat nap and he was recharged by morning… and still smelled delicious!

On another point, the shampoo and conditioner were both pretty thick, so I had to water it down just a little bit so I could lather evenly without it being too concentrated.

For what it’s worth, Top Top is pretty affordable too. Most quality dog shampoos can go up to 30 or 40 dollars per bottle. Meanwhile, Top Top delivers quality results at half the price; it’s quite a steal.

What we love! ❤️

  • Soap-free
  • Strengthens and softens fur
  • Antibacterial and anti-fungal
  • Mild but long-lasting fragrance
  • Removes doggy odour
  • Affordable

Important to note! ?

  • Thick consistency; can be diluted to make scrubbing easier

Note: If your furbaby has a history of allergies, or they have hyper-sensitive skin and you are unsure if they might have adverse reactions to the products, Top Top recommends doing a small patch test. Simply apply a tiny amount of shampoo to your doggo’s chest, and wait a few hours to see if there are any reactions. If all goes well, you may proceed and enjoy the aromatic bath with your furbaby.

Where to buy!

All of Top Top’s products are meticulously manufactured in Singapore and go through multiple stringent tests to ensure quality that meets and exceeds industry standards.

Visit to make your first purchase and checkout with the promo code “TTXPJ20” to scrub 20% off your bill! One-time only and limited to a minimum spending of $30!

Follow them on Instagram @toptop_care for more updates and new product launches.

This article was brought to you by Top Top Pet Care

Community Stories

The loss that nobody wants to talk about.

It has been some weeks since I’ve thought of making a contribution to Pawjourr and I’ve finally plucked up enough courage to touch on a sensitive topic that’s really close to my heart. But before I begin, a gentle disclaimer that this story is not meant to tell or prepare you on how and what to feel, as in my opinion, no amount of preparation will ever be enough to deal with the loss of your beloved pet.

This is Junior, my little Bichon Frise who was always up for an afternoon snuggle – the bestest companion I had been longing for since before 2009.

I still remember the day I got him.

As though shouting to us “Notice me!”, a white ball of fluff jumped excitedly as he saw us in the pet store. My mum and I instantly fell in love and the moment I sat in the car with Junior in my arms, I knew my life was never going to be the same again. ❤️

Tug-o-war time!

Junior was a quiet little boy who didn’t really enjoy interacting with other doggos. He was like a little old man, always minding his own business and chilling out around us as we go about our daily activities. He enjoyed his squeaky toys and would occasionally come over to me for mini tug-o-war sessions. 

Junior was ALWAYS around – through the late-night studies, family celebrations, and festivities, he was always there. Junior was really the sibling I never had. Milestones after milestones, I could definitely count on him to give me a really big comforting hug, and as strange as it sounds, he’s always one of the first few “people” I shared my good news with. 

One thing I missed for sure was hiding food from him. Where there is the sound of plastic bags, there was Junior. ?  Someone, please teach me how to resist dem puppy eyes. ?

In March 2019, Junior left our family. 

His deterioration which led to his death went relatively fast and came highly unexpected. Everything happened in the span of 4 days and it was agonizing.

It was truly a roller coaster of emotions in the days he was admitted, I was not prepared nor did I expect to lose him when we did. I hadn’t the slightest idea that recovery was not in his books and hence was not able to process or accept the loss. It was absolutely mind numbing that sometimes I wish I hadn’t brought him to the vet, just so our time together would extend. (Although I know I did the right thing, reducing his pain and suffering)

When the loss is traumatising, recovering is often complicated. 

Without his little paws tapping the marble floors and occasional whines and barks, the house was unbearably quiet. Unable to face the silence alone, I purposely kept myself busy and stayed out a little longer. Every little thing reminded me of Junior and weeks following his death were just filled with sleepless nights and tears. I remember thinking to myself how nobody told me about this agony I would have to go through as a pet owner.

As much as I hate to admit this, the painful truth is that our pets don’t last forever. 

It’s been over a year since I lost my best friend but not a day goes by where I do not miss him. I still cry at the thoughts of him from time to time. Goodbyes are heckin tough but I would do it all again in a heartbeat (which was why I decided to adopt Dexter but that’s a story for another day). 

So as someone who has lost her bestest friend, here are some things that I found useful and would like to share:

Firstly, don’t be pressured to “move on” or “let go” – There really isn’t a reason why you should be expected to move on quickly. Give yourself time to grieve and reach out for comfort if you need to. It was a traumatic experience for me and the last thing I wanted was someone to tell me to move on so please do not offer such advice if you know someone going through such a situation. Just be there for them and lend them your shoulder to cry on. 

It’s ok to find yourself going through good and bad periods – Some days are simply harder! I could be dealing with Junior’s passing really well one day, and be hit by a truck of emotions the next. But that’s fine, acknowledge your grief and allow yourself to express it but most importantly, reach out and seek support when you have to. 

Lastly, amidst all the cuteness and silly moments with your furkids, know that the process of aging and death is inevitable. Spend and cherish the time you have with them as they had with you till now. Though it would eventually come to an end, the joy and sheer bliss of having met them are beyond the devastation that follows. So do not shy away or be afraid! I know Junior and I were meant to meet and he has been and always will be irreplaceable in my heart. ❤️