Community Stories

Be a Contributor!

You don’t have to be a long-time pet owner to share your experiences!

We are also looking for small businesses, shelter volunteers, vets, therapists and many more!

1. Start by Signing Up!

Sign Up

Register as an author by heading to, and clicking “LOGIN/REGISTER”! An activation email will be sent to the email address used to sign up.

P.S.: We suggest using your pet’s Instagram handle as your username!

2. Set Up Your Profile!

Writer Profile

A profile speaks a thousand words. Let your readers know more about you! Your bio will be reflected at the end of your articles when published.

  • Indicate your phone number if you prefer to claim your remuneration via PayNow
  • Indicate your email address if you prefer to claim your remuneration via Paypal

3. Write an Article!

New Post

Simply log in to your writer account start writing at your own pace!

  1. Check the right categories, depending on the topic you are writing. This should include the pet type relevant to your topic.
  2. Add relevant tags which are not found in the categories above.
  3. Include a featured image, this is what readers will see before clicking on your article.

Don’t forget to include headings and images to make your writing come to life. Do note to include references and hyperlinks for information taken from external sources.

Once you have included the relevant options, click on ‘Submit to Workflow’ at the top. Select ‘thewoofagency’ as assigned actor to send your article for a review. Click on ‘Submit to Workflow’ again at the bottom to submit your article. Voilà! Your article is now in review.

Generally, your article will be live within 1-2 working days. Don’t forget to share your article around and get your friends to leave a comment!

4. Token of Appreciation

Amount reflected in your writer dashboard is in USD. You may withdraw your fees via (1) PayNow, (2) bank transfer or (3) Paypal. The minimum amount for each withdrawal is USD$10

Claim the amount here!

Photo by Life Of Pix from Pexels

Community Stories

FAQ: Blog Contributors

How do I be a contributor?

Drop us a DM on Instagram @pawjourr or simply get registered on our blog as an author!

As a registered author, you’re able to write multiple articles at your own pace as and when you like! There is also no number of words required for each article.

What can I write about?

Pawjourr advocate genuine experiences and knowledge. Here are some questions you can ask yourself while brainstorming for a topic!

  • Have my pet thrived on a particular product or diet?
  • What have I successfully accomplished as a pet owner which I hope more owners can learn about?
  • Learnt something the hard way which no owners should have been through?
  • Have my pet suffered from a particular medical condition?
  • What aspects of advice did I look out for as a new pet owner?
  • What is important to me and my pet?
  • How can I help new pet owners?
  • What are some issues that pet owners should be made aware and knowledgeable about?

As a #nofilter content hub, contributors are allowed to write their thoughts and feelings so long as there is no factually wrong information. You don’t have to worry

Don’t forget to use headings to section your writing if you are mentioning different points!

After submitting to the workflow, there will be a review process before your article gets published.

Is there a word limit?

There are absolutely no restrictions on the word limit. However, all articles should be substantial. We suggest separating your idea into different articles with an area of focus each.

Thank you!

As a form of appreciation, we offer a minimum USD2.50 for every article written by a contributor. The intention is for contributors to share their experiences.

The amount reflected in the writer dashboard is in USD. The minimum amount of each withdrawal is USD$10, with payment methods via PayNow, Paypal or bank transfer. Click here to withdraw your fees!

Have any queries? Drop us a DM and we may or may not send you memes. ?