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Training Your Cat to Walk on a Leash

This article was written by Lauretta Williams

It isn’t just dogs who can benefit from leash training. While the thought of walking your cat on a leash may seem odd, it isn’t a gimmick. Just like their canine counterparts, cats can also benefit from safe outdoor exercise, such as walks. It’s the perfect way to give them the mental stimulation and physical exercise they need, without letting them loose as an outdoor cat.

Photo by Zoë Gayah Jonker on Unsplash

Is Leash Training Right for Your Cat?

It’s important to bear in mind that not all cats will enjoy being on a leash. Walking outdoors can expose cats to unfamiliar sights, sounds and smells they might find frightening, such as dogs, cars and loud noises. If your cat is easily stressed, leash training is probably not for them. You should also never force a cat to walk on a leash – if she doesn’t like it, find alternative opportunities for outdoor exercise, such as an escape-proof pen or enclosure.

Cats who may enjoy leash training include:

  • Indoor cats. With no free reign to go out outside, it’s important to provide them with a wide variety of enrichment options to prevent stress and boredom.
  • Cats that show lots of interest in going outdoors. They may spend a lot of time gazing out of the window, or rush outside when let out.

Cats that are bored. Indoor stimulation isn’t enough for all cats. Look for signs such as overgrooming, destructive behaviour or urinating in places they shouldn’t.

How to Leash Train Your Cat

Walking a cat on a leash is very different to walking a dog. They aren’t as naturally inclined and it will likely take them longer to adjust. It’s important you use leashes and harnesses specifically designed for cats – this means no cutting corners and buying a small dog harness that your cat could slip out of. Always opt for a well-fitted cat harness. 

When choosing a lead, make sure it’s a lightweight, flexible material. Cats aren’t as robust as dogs, so leather or chain style leashes could hurt them if they come into contact while walking.

Now you’ve got the right gear, here’s how to start walking with your cat:

  1. Get your cat accustomed. For the purpose of safety, it’s essential you begin your training indoors. Start gently and let your cat get used to the harness first by letting her smell and play with it. This will allow her to lose any fear of it. Once she’s accustomed, strap it on and let her wear it around the house with the leash dragging behind. This will get her used to leash tension, alongside having something strapped around her.
  1. Walk your cat indoors. Once she’s comfortable, you can begin walking her indoors. Walk a bit with her then gently try to steer her in a different direction. Use treats to reward her for changing direction, and to lure her to where you want to go. Don’t forget to reward her for walking on her own too!
  1. Go outside. When your cat seems ready, take her to the front door and try to encourage her to explore outside. Dropping treats on your doorstep can help with this. If your cat is still cautious, do not force her. Simply try again another day.

Once you are outside with your cat, make sure to bring plenty of treats and keep your walks short and sweet. Begin with only a few minutes at a time, and gradually extend your walks. However, never walk a cat longer than they want to be walked. If she seems tired or overstimulated, take her home. If you live in a city, it’s best to drive to a more rural location first to avoid spooking her with loud noises and traffic.

A word of caution: It’s important to make sure your cat doesn’t try to escape now they’ve had a taste of the outdoors. Some may wait by the door or try to bolt out as soon as it’s opened. It’s important to make it clear they can only go out when they are wearing their harness.

Alternatives to Leash Walking Your Cat

Some cats just don’t take to being walked on the leash no matter how hard you try. It’s the same with training some dogs on a dog bike leash. It’s just not in their DNA. So how can you provide your cat with safe, outdoor enrichment?

Some alternatives include:

Pet strollers

A safe way to give your feline a change of scenery and some fresh air. While some may not think it, many cats love pet strollers. They have large viewing windows and breathable mesh, so she has a clear view without the risk of overheating.

Photo by Taylor Deas-Melesh on Unsplash

Pet backpacks

Similar to strollers, but more agile. These also have large viewing windows and are made of breathable fabrics, but are best suited to more rural paths. While a pet stroller may be awkward to take around on uneven terrain, backpacks allow you to take your pet anywhere.


If your cat doesn’t like the leash but you still want him to enjoy the great outdoors, a catio can be a great option. This will be an enclosed pen in your garden for your cat to walk around freely, and is the perfect solution to keep her safe, happy and healthy.

Read More: Cat Tricks: Tricks to Teach Your Feline That Can Help You Bond Together

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How to Safely Sleep with Your Dog

This article has been written by Luke Strauss from Siege Media.

Let’s face it – we all love snuggling with our pups. There’s nothing better than some quality time with our favorite animals after a long day. We know that sleeping with dogs makes us happy, but what about our physical safety, as well as our dogs’? Is it safe to be sharing a bed with your pup?

Most of the time, the answer is yes. However, safety is highly dependent on the pet owner’s good judgment and willingness to take some precautions. In order to make sleeping with your dog safer for all parties involved, we’ve curated a comprehensive guide to safely sleeping with dogs.

4 Safety Tips for Sleeping with Dogs

There are a few things you should consider before snuggling in bed with your pup. Here are 4 tips that will keep you and your dog happy and healthy when sharing a bed.

  1. Keep a Safe Distance

It can be tempting to snuggle up super close to your dog at night, but it’s best to keep a little space between you and your hound. This is because dogs can easily startle during the night causing their sharp claws or teeth to wake you and potentially injure you.

  1. Wash Your Sheets Often

This is a given. Dogs can be messy and tend to carry germs. If you don’t already do so, get into the habit of washing your sheets weekly with sanitizing laundry detergent if your dog shares a bed with you. 

  1. Make Regular Visits to the Vet

You should schedule frequent appointments with the vet if your dog sleeps in bed with you. The increased contact between you and your dog means there’s a greater chance of them passing over fleas and diseases. The vet may even offer products that decrease the chance of illness.

  1. Take Your Dog for a Walk Before Bed

Walks help dogs get their energy out and feel tired at the end of the day. If they are still energetic at bedtime, they will likely be restless during the night and may interrupt your sleep. 

Great Dog Breeds for Cuddling

While no dog breed makes a terrible sleep companion, there are particular breeds that are naturals when it comes to sharing a bed. Here are a few breeds that are known for sleeping a lot and being snuggly when they do.


Bulldogs are calm and quiet dogs that love their rest. They are known for sleeping for many hours restfully, making them great companions for bedtime.


Pitbulls are some of the sweetest dogs out there. They love their sleep and are natural protectors, helping you feel extra safe as you drift into sleep.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

This small breed loves to cuddle. They are quiet and take up little space in the bed, making them a wonderful bedtime companion.


Pugs are an adorable bedtime companion. They love their sleep, so they are great for people who enjoy sleeping in. They are also small and take up minimal space in the bed.

Bernese Mountain Dog

These gentle giants are soft and fluffy snugglers. As long as they get sufficient exercise during the day, they will be happy to cuddle with you all night long.

Common Myths About Sleeping with Dogs

There are many rumors about dogs who sleep in bed with their owners. We addressed these rumors to put them to rest. 

“Sharing a Bed With Your Dog Causes Behavioural Problems”

Allowing your pets onto the bed does not cause behavioural problems. Certain animals may react negatively out of fear, but the bed itself isn’t the problem. Make sure your dog is happy and comfortable on the bed before allowing them to sleep with you.

“It’s Harmful to Sleep With Your Dog”

People often think that allowing your dog in your bed will give them newfound dominance causing them to become aggressive with you. This theory has been disproven. It’s important to remember that dogs are domesticated animals and shouldn’t be compared to wolves.

“Children Shouldn’t Sleep With Dogs”

While it’s wise to be wary before allowing children under 6 years old to share a bed with their dog, if a dog is never aggressive with your children, there is no problem with them bed-sharing. That said, a dog should never be allowed to bed-share with a baby due to babies’ fragility and compromised immune systems.

“Sleeping With Your Dog is Inevitably Messy”

It’s a common belief that you shouldn’t allow a dog into your bed because they will cause illness. In reality, humans rarely ever contract diseases from dogs. That said, it’s still important to follow hygienic practices when bed-sharing.

Overall, sleeping with your pup is a beneficial experience for all parties involved, as long as you take a few healthy precautions. If you enjoyed the tips above and are interested in learning more about sleeping with dogs, check out Tommy John’s infographic below.

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Aon Happy Tails Pet Insurance – Interview with Debby and Mocha

We always want the best for our pets.

The cost of pet ownership is high, and the cost of their medical bills even higher. When owning a pet, it is important for us to determine their physical health before engaging with surgeries. Our pets are unable to verbalise what they feel internally hence the multitudes of consultations, x-rays and blood tests before we are able to truly determine what ails them.

Last month, we heard from Jane and considered the benefits of pet insurance with her. This month, we decided to reach out to a paw-rent who has recently discovered Aon Happy Tails pet insurance and to garner a better understanding of what drew her to consider Happy Tails.

Hi there! Tell us more about Mocha, and your relationship with them!

We got Mocha at the end of 2018. My previous dog, Jack Russell had passed on six years before and my son had been bugging us to get a dog so we thought that it was finally time to get a new fur kid.  Mocha is very timid and shy, it took quite a while for her to actually get comfortable with us but once she did she started following me everywhere. During CB (Circuit Breaker 2020), we truly bonded with her and she became much more comfortable being playful with us. On trips to the dog park, she remains happy to explore the park and runs around even if she is not playing with other dogs.

How do you and Mocha spend time together this June holidays?

This June Holiday, there is not much we can do as we are still under phase 2A (ha) in Singapore. Yet, we still made time to go for walks in the parks. We also plan to bring her for a swim once we can meet up with more people.

How do you work to ensure the safety and well being of your furkid?

To ensure the safety and wellbeing of my furkid I always give her fresh good food, supplements, and bring her for regular walks so that she has enough exercise. She is not very active at home. Additionally, I always make sure to bring her to the vet if I notice anything amiss with her.

What concerns do you have when visiting the vet?

Just like humans visiting the doctors, our main concern when we visit the vet is the cost of the treatment.

Upon hearing this, we asked her about her knowledge of pet insurance. Aon Happy Tails in particular, helps to offset some of the costs incurred by medical procedures.

Have you heard of pet insurance prior to this conversation?

I have heard of pet insurance prior to this conversation! I heard about it from fellow fur parents who had signed up for pet insurance. I think it is important because it will help us cover the cost of any emergency treatment for our furkids.

How do the coverage plans offered by Aon Happy Tails alleviate your concerns (as mentioned above)?

I think the coverage is pretty good as I am very concerned about IVDD (Intervertebral Disc Disease) as a dachshund owner.

IVDD is a paralysis caused by back problems and short-legged dogs are quite prone to having it. Treatment may include rehabilitation or even surgery hence finding out that Aon Happy Tails covers surgery in their insurance plan made them quite appealing to me.

Will you be purchasing Aon Happy Tails in the foreseeable future?

Yes, I will!

Debby’s concerns regarding treatment costs and emergency medical procedures are extremely common amongst pet owners. Simplydollar states that medical costs are the most expensive aspect of owning a pet, with the average vet visit ranging from $50 to $400. 

When it comes to sudden health complications, costs can go even higher, or double, to accommodate the needs of the pet.

Aon Happy Tails’ comprehensive insurance scheme prioritises supporting pet owners through sudden surgical procedures that may arise from new complications in their pet’s health. These complications do not include pre-existing conditions which have already been assessed by the vet.

Regardless, as Debby has aptly mentioned, pets are always at a growing risk of developing new conditions such as the IVDD (Intervertebral Disc Disease) for dogs. To ensure the safety of our pets, and to reduce wallet pains from unexpected medical costs – Pet insurance is a great way to keep us and our loved furkids safe and protected!

You can find out more about Aon Happy Tails pet insurance via their Instagram or Website.

Follow Debby and Mocha on Instagram.

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What is Pet Insurance? Why Do I Need It?

In one of our previous articles, we learnt about Jane and Milky’s experience with entropion. Entropion is a condition in which eyelids begin to roll inwards to the eyeball. It commonly affects animals who have thick eyelids, such as Chow Chows. 

At the end of her anecdote, she wonders about Aon Happy Tails Insurance. 

We sat down with Jane once more to discuss the benefits of pet insurance, and how owning one might have eased the financial burden she experienced.

Photo Credit: Instagram @oolongmilkytea

Hi Jane. We understand that it’s been some time since Milky underwent his eye surgery. Can we ask how he’s doing now?

Jane: He is doing great now! However, the vet recommended undergoing 2-3 more surgeries as his eyelid will continue to drop as he grows older. 

For now, we pay close attention to his tear stains, and/or if he starts scratching his eye excessively. It pains our heart to see him go through multiple surgeries at a young age.

I felt truly distressed reading about Milky’s experience with entropion. In your articles, you mentioned having to pay out lots of money to cover Milky’s consultations and surgeries. What was the total estimated bill incurred?

Jane: All in all, we spent close to $6,000. As it was our first time overcoming the entropion issue, we went for multiple vet consultations. We also had to cover for corrective surgery as the first one was unsuccessful. It was a very stressful period as we had to manage our emotions of watching our boy go through a difficult time. We also struggled to decide whether to go for the best treatment or the best financial decision.

Luckily, I had my husband with me hence we were able to share the burden, and alternate between roles (i.e. when he gets too emotional, I will try to be the logical one and make a decision from gathered data, and asking questions).

I’m so sorry to hear that. I hope your family feels much better now. Overall, what would you conclude was your biggest takeaway from this experience?

Jane: At the end of the article, I mentioned coming across Happy Tails pet insurance. I think having said pet insurance might have helped us A LOT. Compared to Western countries, local pet owners are unlikely to purchase insurance as they feel it might be more expensive in the long run.

Yet, I disagree! We spent a lot of money to ensure Milky’s health. If we had been insured, we might have been able to alleviate some of the costs incurred especially through insurance claims!

Photo Credit: Instagram @oolongmilkytea

I see! Do you think owning pet insurance is important?

Jane: Owning pet insurance might be beneficial in the long run. I think a large stigma against pet insurance stems from the fact that there are no agents actively selling pet insurance. As a result, pet owners are afraid claims will be difficult, and/or there will be hidden clauses. 

I would advise pet owners to make sure they read the T&Cs carefully to ensure that they fully understand the policy and what type of expenses can be claimed and what cannot be claimed. Also, check the duration given between each claim!

Thanks Jane!

Pet Insurance helps to protect the well-being of your fur friends. Like regular insurance, pet insurance covers medical fees incurred by vet visits. 

In Singapore, options for pet insurance are rather limited. However, for pet owners who are largely concerned with the cost of medical bills- Happy Tails pet insurance offers a comprehensive medical plan. Their coverage extends beyond one-off accidents, going beyond to consider outgoing costs in medical care for injuries and illnesses.

Aon Happy Tails Pet Insurance promises to cover a wide range of fees and expenses such as:

  • Diagnostic tests such as x-rays and blood tests culminating in surgery
  • Surgery fees
  • Medications
  • Chemotherapy charges
  • Room and board charges
  • Post-surgery follow-up treatments
  • Surgical implants

This helps to alleviate some of the burden pet owners might experience with veterinary medical bills. Like Jane, many pet owners may undergo repeated consultations and surgeries to ensure the well-being of their pets. With pet insurance, such expenses can be covered and subsequently claimed. That way, you can keep your pets safe while reducing the pressure unexpected surgical procedures can have on your wallet. 

Photo Credit: Instagram @aonhappytails

You can find out more about Happy Tails pet insurance via their Instagram or Website.