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Aon’s Happy Tales: Alphaboy_pom

The gem of the family, read all about the adventure of Alphaboy and his battle with hypothyroidism.

The moment you bring your brand new furkid home is so magical, it can’t be put into words. In those rare moments, as they become important members of your family, you promise to provide the best. 

That was the sentiment of Alphaboy’s pawrents 6 years ago. 6 years later, nothing has changed. They enjoy bringing Alphaboy out all the time, from new pet-friendly cafés to shopping under aircon-blasted areas — it’s the simple things in life. 

The family’s little furby

6 years ago, on the day Alphaboy joined his forever home, he was with his sibling — just the two of them. According to his pawrents, he was sitting quietly, showing no signs of excitement, when he caught the eye of his pawmom. It was love at first sight and the rest was history. 

As a crucial part of the family, Alphaboy’s favorite pastimes have become the family’s bonding activities. They would bring him out for daily walks, to school once a week, and explore new places like pet cafés and mingle with new fur friends every now and then. Besides exploring new places, this calm and gentle boy also enjoys sleeping in — just like most of us!

Can’t stay young and healthy forever

Alphaboy may be young to some, but at the age of 6, signs of aging began to show. Just last year, he started developing black patches on his back, his fur kept falling, and was seen to be more tired than usual. 

Worried, Alphaboy’s pawrents tried various remedies in hopes he’d get better. They changed his diet and shampoo, and also brought him to therapy sessions for 6 months. When Alphaboy failed to show signs of improvement, they knew they had to get professional help immediately. 

After numerous trips to different vets and after many tests, they found out that Alphaboy has hypothyroidism. Thankfully, he doesn’t have to be on medication, and it’s controllable.

Both pawmom and dad decided to cut down on his treats and gave him food based on Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) to give him strength and energy. After 6 months on the new routine,  test results showed that he was back to normal and back to his normal self.

However, with his history of slight Hypothyroidism, both pawrent had to remain cautious by monitoring him and returning for tests every 3 months.

“His health is just as important as ours”

Among the many pet insurance providers available in Singapore, pawrents of  Alphaboy decided to go with Aon’s Happy Tails, as they offer a wide coverage of illnesses, treatments, and even post-surgical follow-up during the policy term.

They decided to get him insured not because they’re expecting the worst to happen, but because he deserves it! 

“It’s a kind of assurance that at least we know some burden will be handled by insurance if something bad [does] happen. As age is catching up with Alpha, we just want him to be healthy so he can live as long as possible.”

Do note that while Aon is known for its comprehensive coverages, pre-existing conditions are not covered and such exclusion is typical with health insurance. Click here for more information.

*Bonus Content*

If Alphaboy could speak hooman for 7 days, what would you say to him, or do with him?

“I want to ask him what he likes to do and where to go so we can do it together and make him stay.”