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7 Natural Remedies for Common Dog Skin Issues

Dogs love to scratch random parts of their bodies. Occasionally feeling itchy is normal among our furry friends. However, if they have been tirelessly scratching for quite some time, there might be underlying skin issues that need to be checked. 

Medications can vary from items you can buy in your local pet shop to the ones prescribed by veterinarians. You might also consider alternative natural, safe, and effective medications for your dog’s skin issues. Let’s explore your options through this guide. 

Soothing Itchy Skin

There are many reasons why your dog is suffering from itchy skin. Causes could vary from seasonal allergies and contact dermatitis to sarcoptic mange. 

If you do dog grooming by yourself, you should consider investing in high-quality dog grooming supplies that promote healthy coats and prevent dog skin issues like itchy skin. 

There are many triggers for itchy skin. While it’s frustrating to determine the reason yourself, there are safe, natural remedies to relieve the itching. 

For example, herbal tea soaks contain green tea, calendula, and chamomile, which can help reduce inflammation and cool your dog’s irritated skin. You can just soak them in a tub for three minutes and soak your dog in the tub for five minutes. 

If the dog frequently scratches only a few spots, you can soak a tea bag in a cup of hot water. Let it cool down, and pour it into the itchy spot afterward. Let it dry, and don’t rinse it yet. 

In addition, a colloidal oatmeal bath can help ease the inflammation in your dog’s itchy skin. You just have to mix it with warm water and bathe your dog with it. If there’s no colloidal oatmeal available, you can just use regular oatmeal. 

Moreover, aloe vera works well in soothing a dog’s itchy skin. You can guarantee that pure aloe vera is safe in case your dog licks the itchy area. 

Treating Dry Skin

Dry skin isn’t a special case among canines. It could result in potential dandruff and enduring itchiness if not treated immediately. Some underlying reasons for a dog’s dry skin are low humidity, poor nutrition, allergies, infection, parasites, and metabolic disorders. 

The good thing is that there are effective remedies that you can try. For instance, coconut oil has antiviral, antifungal, and antibacterial properties and moisturizes your dog’s skin.

Apple cider vinegar can also effectively remedy a dog’s dry skin. You can just mix an equal proportion of water and apple cider vinegar and pour it into a spray bottle. Apply it to specific spots, but ensure it doesn’t come in contact with hot spots since it could be stingy. 

Managing Hot Spots

If your dog scratches a specific spot repetitively, it may result in hot spots. Symptoms of hotspots include redness and hair loss in an area of your dog’s body. Many factors can lead to hotspots, with allergic reactions and flea infestations being the most common.

The most effective natural treatment for hotspots is aloe vera. First, trim the fur surrounding the affected area and gently cleanse the hotspot with a clean cloth soaked in cool water. Next, apply a thick aloe vera gel layer to the hotspots’ area. 

You should do this twice daily for several days and observe if the hotspot is healing. Aloe vera shampoo can also be a supplementary treatment whenever you bathe your dog. After bathing your dog, let them dry and apply a coat of aloe vera gel, as mentioned above. 

Addressing Fleas and Ticks

Fleas and ticks are among the most common perpetrators of typical skin problems in dogs. All of the nonstop scratching and itching sensations were caused by these tiny pests infesting your dog’s fur. 

It’s also important to note that there are dogs who are allergic to flea saliva, resulting in welts, swelling, and skin lesions. Flea bites can also lead to more serious cases like anemia. 

As a furparent, the best thing you can do is seek natural remedies to eliminate these parasites. You should dilute lemon juice with water and add dog shampoo to the mixture. You can use this to bathe your dog.

Relieving Allergies

Your dog’s allergies can be triggered by many factors, such as dog food, other seasonal allergies, dog shampoo, and other topical products that could trigger a range of reactions. Common signs and symptoms of skin allergies in dogs include flakey skin, hair loss, excessive scratching, and rubbing of the ears.

Recently changed routines can prompt allergies. For instance, if you have switched to another dog food brand and saw the allergy coming out, it might be caused by the newly introduced food to your dog. The safest thing to do is to buy human-grade food products. 

Check if these food items contain omega-3 fatty acids, which help maintain a healthy coat and skin. 

Healing Wounds

There might be days when your dog gets extra energetic. Their excitement could sometimes lead to accidents, resulting in open wounds. Just like treating human wounds, you can use gauze or a clean, dry cloth to stop bleeding in a dog’s fresh wound.

Wounds could cause inflammation, so using natural antiseptics like turmeric, aloe vera, coconut oil, and witch hazel can speed up the healing process of your dog’s wound. Dogs hate the spicy smell of turmeric, so they would avoid licking the wound where you’ve administered the natural remedy.

Dealing with Mange

Mange mites are tiny parasites that inhabit and feed on dogs’ skin cells. Your dog is most vulnerable to mange when their immune system is weak. In some cases, mange could be contagious. Your dog may get mange through contact with another animal with mange or through infected bedding. 

Plain yogurt can be used as a natural remedy for mange. It contains acidophilus, which can help fight mange mites. Just apply it to your dog’s ear to ensure they can’t lick it off. You can also add apple cider vinegar to your dog’s food. It can help your dog manage itchy and irritated skin caused by mange. 


While you can administer the natural remedy we’ve mentioned here by yourself, it’s important to consult a veterinarian for a proper diagnosis. Follow the doctor’s instructions and buy all the medications needed. If you really want to give natural remedies a try, you can talk to the vet about it and see what remedies can be suitable for your fur baby. 

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Tick Control Strategies for Your Dog and Home

Ticks are a common problem that can cause Lyme disease and other diseases to spread, so it’s essential to know how to control ticks on your dog and home.

Checking your pet regularly for ticks is an effective way to prevent infection and keep your dog healthy. It’s also important to be aware of peak tick season in your area.

Reducing Tick-Friendly Habitats

Ticks can cause serious health problems for your dog. They are mainly active during spring and summer, so reducing tick-friendly habitats for your dog and your home is essential.

Use the following strategies to reduce tick-friendly habitats:

Landscape management, i.e., mulches and hardscapes (patios, paths, decks, etc.) can reduce tick habitats and increase sun exposure, reducing humidity to facilitate desiccation of ticks. Limiting dense ground cover and decreasing shrub density, particularly in frequently traveled areas of the property, may also limit tick habitats.

Avoid wooded or brushy areas with tall grass and leaf litter. These habitats can provide ideal conditions for nymphal black-legged ticks attracted to accumulating leaves and other plant debris.

If you must walk in wooded or brushy areas, wear light-colored long pants and a long-sleeve shirt to keep ticks off your skin. Likewise, if you’re walking your dog on a trail or in the woods, inspect your pet for ticks when you get home.


Bathing is a very important part of maintaining your dog’s overall health and wellness. It’s an excellent way to keep them clean, check for unusual scratches or thorns, and remove fleas.

It’s also an opportunity to brush your dog’s teeth, which can help prevent gingivitis and other dental issues. You can find specialty dog toothbrushes and dog toothpaste at your local pet store or vet’s office.

You can also choose a special shampoo and conditioner for your dog’s needs. But remember, if you use conditioner, thoroughly rinse the soap off your dog’s fur and skin.

The most common and easiest place to bathe your dog is in a bathtub. However, if your dog is large or you have a skittish pup who’s not too comfortable with water, consider using a separate tub just for their bathing needs.

Topical Treatments

There are many different topical treatments for ticks on the market. The most effective ones kill or repel ticks that attach to your pet.

However, these products can cause side effects or adverse reactions in some pets. Be sure to check with your vet to see if they’re safe for your dog.

Alternatively, you can use a product that contains a combination of chemicals called imidacloprid and dinotefuran, which kills ticks by mimicking the effects of nicotine on insects. But read the label carefully, as these pesticides can also be toxic to bees.

Permethrin and permethrin-combination products are the most common insecticides used to treat ticks. These products are effective against most tick species and can help control infestations on your dog and in your home.

Tick Removal

Ticks can infect your dog with various diseases, including Lyme disease. It takes ticks anywhere from 3 to 48 hours before they transmit their infectious saliva, so it’s essential to remove them as soon as possible.

Removing ticks from your dog is easy, especially if you have some tweezers or dental floss around. If you don’t have these tools, try using a cotton ball soaked in rubbing alcohol or liquid dish soap to grab the tick and get it out.

Once you’ve removed the tick, dispose of it properly. You can put it in a sealed container or save it for identification and testing.

Tick removal can be difficult, but it’s important to do it right. The wrong method can cause the tick to stay in your pet, and it’s also possible for pathogens to transfer from a dead tick. Always use gloves when removing ticks from your dog to protect your hands.

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5 Care Tips for your Pet’s Healthy and Happy Life

This article is brought to you by Pets Club SG.

As responsible pet owners, it is our duty to provide the best for our fur kids. Cats have an average life expectancy of 15 years, and dogs on the other hand, have 12 years. That said, all these depend on their size, and breed. Other factors that affect their life expectancy, includes gender, genetics, lifestyle, exercise, and many more!

Studies have shown that the key to a long life is based on two main factors, genetics, and lifestyle choices. While genetics are out of our control, we can offer our fur kids with the proper care and food to ensure they lead a healthy and happy life!

Here are some tips you can follow to ensure just that!

Regular Veterinary Appointments

It is recommended to bring your fur kids in for a visit at least once a year. These annual visits should be doubled if you have a senior pet at hand! It may be hard to admit sometimes, but our precious fur kids do age faster than us humans.

These important visits allow you to learn what is normal for your pet at their age, and what you can do to improve their well-being. That is why early check-ups are vital, even if something seems insignificant, initiating preventive measures can help to prolong your fur kid’s life.

Plenty of Exercise

Obesity among pets can lead to a myriad of health issues. It is seen as the number one nutritional disease among pets by veterinarians. To keep your pets lean, take them out for regular exercises. 

Exercise ideas for Cats:

  • Toy chase (cat wand or flashlight)
  • Take them for a walk
  • Cat tower
  • Short but frequent playtimes

Cats have short bursts of energy, play in five or ten minute sessions, and let them catch their breath. It is also good to note that cats have very short attention spans, hence, it’s recommended to switch up the activities frequently. 

Exercise ideas for Dogs:

  • Walk around the block
  • Playing fetch at the park
  • Bring them along for a hike
  • Take them out to swim
  • Tug-of-war

Even though every dog may need to exercise, some may need more or less than others. So take note of your dog’s limits, and give them ample water afterwards.

Healthy Diet

Make sure your pet is getting the proper nutrition for their breed and age. Being overweight can shorten your pet’s life by as much as two years, so it’s important to get them on a healthy diet!

NUTRIPE ESSENCE offers a wide array of benefits with countless nutrients your pets need, from prebiotics to digestive enzymes. Their dry food range is formulated to maintain an appropriate balance of good bacteria in your pet’s gastrointestinal system. Besides absorbing nutrients, the digestive system plays a crucial role in fluid balance, and transporting electrolytes into circulation. It also supports their immune system, preventing diseases. 

You can get started here!


Pets do get bored sometimes, and it can lead to serious issues. Keep your pets entertained by playing with them. As much as possible, bring them out for paw-dates, engaging in socializing activities with other fur friends. When you’re out for some fun and games, always bring along their favorite toys, and buy backups –in case it gets lost!

By developing a familiarity with other hoomans and fur friends, it can help minimize serious behavioral issues like aggression or nervousness. The exposure teaches your pet how to react to the world around them in a healthy way, without feeling scared or anxious. 

Clean and Comfortable Living Environment

Good hygiene is the key to a healthy life. This also includes the environment your fur kids are exposed to on a daily basis. As a pet owner, it can be tiring to maintain optimum cleanliness in your house. However, it is our duty to provide a comfortable living quarter for your fur kid. 

Purchase additional drinking bowls, towels, combs, toothbrushes, and other pet essentials to ensure you’re always prepared to cater to their needs. 

Pro-tip: Do not leave your pets unsupervised. Allowing them to roam freely can lead to unexpected accidents, including automobile accidents, predation, exposure to allergic foods, and etc.