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Review of KONG Toys: The good and the meh

My tiny almost 2kg dog is a land shark. She’s currently teething and is ready to destroy all the toys (and furniture) that comes her way. We’ve invested a lot in Kong toys due to their reputation of being sturdy but not all of them are equally well made.

Read our review below to know which toys are worth it and which toys you can give a miss:

KONG Classic:

This rubber toy is extremely durable. It’s able to withstand my puppy’s constant chewing and as an added bonus, treats inside keep her busy for long periods of time. This is a classic toy for a reason-only downside is it’s not the most budget friendly toy.

Rating: 9.5/10

Taken from Kong’s Website

Dental Stick

The dental stick allows dog owners to hide treats for puppies to slowly chew their way through. Without treats, my pup is disinterested in the toy but with treats, it does its job of keeping a dog busy for minutes. Due to its many crevices, it is a pain to clean.

Rating: 8/10

Taken from Kong’s Website

KONG Cozie

I was so excited to get the KONG Cozie because before this point, all the KONG toys we got were extremely durable. Sad to say this wasn’t the same case with this toy. Within 5 minutes my 2kg puppy was pulling out the fur of the moose and making a mess everywhere. For the price point and the quality, I don’t recommend this at all-the only upside is she seems to enjoy destroying it.

Rating: 1.5/10

Taken from KONG’s website

SqueakAir Balls

We got our dog these tiny squeaking tennis balls thinking (again) that it would be durable. She ended up biting out the fur, making a mess and eating some of the fur out. My dog did love chasing it around. Though you’re better off getting a regular tennis ball for a cheaper price.

Rating: 2/10

Taken from Kong’s Website

Hope my review has helped you! For more questions, feel free to DM us on IG at donut.pawfriend