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Guide to bringing your dog to Sentosa

As boring as Singapore may be, we are lucky to be able to enjoy free access to Sentosa beaches till the end of the year!

1. Booking a slot & getting there

If you’re bringing your dog along, you can book a slot at Tanjong Beach and choose either Zone 1 or Zone 2. For us, we prefer the Zone 1 area as there is more space for off-leash zoomies! You will have to choose between an AM or PM slot as well.

Things to bring:

  1. Bathing supplies for your doggo (shampoo, towel, SPARE TOWEL)
  2. A ground mat plus enough items to weigh down the sides
  3. Extra disposable sheet for your doggo to rest on, because they can get very dirty (optional)
  4. Water and treats
  5. Extra hooman to carry all the belongings while you handle your dog ?
Map to TBC
Tanjong Beach Club Directions

Park right outside Tanjong Beach Club and you can easily walk to Tanjong Beach in just a few minutes. Don’t forget to watch out for oncoming bikes while bringing your dog to the beach area!

If you did not book a slot, you may not be able to access the beach if they are filled! You can always try your luck at the counter outside the beach but that’s subjected to availability on the day itself. I suggest booking at least 3 days in advance to secure a time slot.

2. Unleash the zoomies!

Only unleash your dogs if you are confident of their outdoor recall with distractions. There have been cases of dogs going missing at Sentosa without a leash. Don’t forget to put on your dog’s ID tag as well!

Things to note:

  1. Not all dogs you meet at the beach is friendly, always be ready to mediate a fight
  2. There will be many children at the beach, if your dog is not 100% friendly with kids, keep a safe distance and politely tell them to give your dog some space if they intend to approach, you do not want to risk anything
  3. Do not let your dog eat sand! Check out the article written by Taro
  4. There may be some trash lying around the shore, make sure that your dog does not ingest them
  5. Don’t forget to drink up
  6. If your dog is extremely food-motivated, ensure that they do not snoop around other beach go-ers bags! (#guilty)

It is crucial to keep a safe distance from other beach go-ers. There are designated spots for different groups of beach goe-ers to lay their mats. You will be asked to leave the beach if you do not comply. Keep your masks on at all times unless you are heading for a swim as well.

Once your dog gets wet, you can only expect him to get even dirtier with all the sand and dirt getting trapped on his fur, especially for thick-coated dogs. If you leave your pet’s harness or collar on while they are swimming, you may possibly expect them to get some abrasion a few hours later.

Meet your trusted furriend which your pet can get along with and have crazy zoomies together!

3. Time to clean up

There is an outdoor bathing point outside the beach, next to the public toilet at the carpark. It has been implied as a washing point for dogs already. You will be required to exit the beach area and remove your tag after leaving the beach.

Here’s where your bathing supplies and extra hooman will come to use. The wash point is pretty small and there are two working water taps. Get your extra hooman to help push the tap while the main handler shampoo the dog. Definitely not easy, but it could at least get rid of most of the sand trapped in your dog’s fur. I would recommend having a proper bath once you reach home.

Thick-coated dogs may not dry in time before heading back home and that’s where your extra towel comes to use. Lay it out in your car and let your doggo have a good sleep while you are all sweaty and dirty, chauffeuring your little king home.

Community Stories

Planning your own parasite prevention routine

Customizing your own parasite prevention routine

Most pet owners know the importance of parasite prevention for our pets. Easy as it sounds, I in fact had a hard time choosing the different products to provide complete and wholesome protection for Loki. 

I’ll be sharing about the common brands of heartworm and flea & tick prevention, as well as how we come to decide on the combination that suits our lifestyle.


Heartworm disease is a serious illness that affects both dogs and cats by directly attacking the heart. In severe cases, heartworm disease can potentially cause death. The disease can be transmitted by mosquitoes. 

As per our vet’s advice, heartworm prevention should begin as soon as possible, before a young puppy or kitten turns 7 months old. After the 7-month period, they will need to be tested for possible heartworm infection before beginning their prevention routine.

Flea & Tick

Our pets can get fleas and/or ticks from the environment, be it other pets or bushes. Such infection can lead to other issues like skin irritation, anemia or tick paralysis if not treated.

Our Research

The following comparison is done based on the dosage required by a 12kg dog.

Prices are taken from (member price) or PerroMart.

HEARTGARD® PlusBravecto ChewsNexGard® SpectraFrontline® PlusAdvocateRevolution
Price per applicationAbout $12$32.09$13.13$9.70$9.32$13.24
Application MethodChewChewChewTopicalTopicalTopical
Frequency of ApplicationMonthlyEvery 3 monthsMonthlyMonthlyMonthlyMonthly
Kills fleas
Kills ticks
Kills eggs and larvae
Treats ear mites
Heartworm prevention
Treats hookworms, roundworms
  • Idoxasoline Drugs

Although NexGard Spectra may be the option with one of the most wholesome protection, I chose to skip on the product as it is in the idoxasoline class. Such drugs have been associated with neurological adverse reactions and seizures in pets. FDA has reported that such drugs are safe for pets’ use but personally, I choose to stay away after reading reports on them. Other products in the idoxasoline class include some of the Bravecto and Revolution products.

  • Drug Coverage

After eliminating those brands, I was left with the option of Heartgard, Frontline and Advocate. Although Advocate may be cheaper in price, it misses out in tick prevention which I feel is more important and deadly compared to ear mites. Hence, I chose a combination of Heartgard and Frontline as part of our parasite prevention routine. 

  • Lifestyle Suitability

We also consider whether the different topic drugs are waterproof or not. Brands such as Advocate are in fact not fully waterproof for the entire course of 1 month. The brand recommends bathing your pet not more than fortnightly. Hence, this may not be suitable for some pets. On the other hand, Frontline Plus is fully waterproof 1 day after application. Activities like bathing or swimming will not reduce the effectiveness of the product! 

Owners also have to check whether their pets are allergic to certain ingredients in the drug. For example, Nexgard Spectra chews are all beef-flavoured which will not be suitable for some pets who are allergic to beef. 

Some owners may also opt for the yearly vaccination to prevent Heartworm disease. As mentioned by a few owners, the price for the jab is dependent on the weight of the dog and the clinic which you go to. For reference, the price of the jab for a 12kg dog is about ~$140.

Where do we buy them?

Heartgard Plus is not sold over the counter in Singapore. Instead, you will have to get them from the vet, with or without a consultation. The price of Heartgard Plus (6pc) from the vet is about $70.  Instead, I buy them on Shopee or Carousell where the prices are much better as they are mostly from Malaysia

As for Frontline Plus, they are usually cheaper from PerroMart ($~58). VIP members of PLC will get to enjoy an even lower price (~$53) during the month of their birthday!

P.S Always consult your vet is you are unsure! The above is based off my research and lifestyle suitability.

The above article is written by the hooman of @lokithetoast.