Brand's Resources

7 Common Mistakes in Social Media Management

There are billions of people across the many social media platforms out there, and this number is bound to increase with each passing year. From Facebook to Twitter, brands and businesses are always looking for ways to connect with their audience, be it in the form of tweets or branded assets. 

However, as simple as it may be, oftentimes these brands and influencers tend to make the same mistakes over and over again. This causes them to ask the same old questions, “Why are my followers not seeing my posts?”, “Why am I not seeing results?”, “Why am I not growing?”. 

Therefore, we present to you 7 common mistakes in social media management — a handy guide in ensuring you don’t make the same rookie mistakes. 

  1. Not switching to a Business account

First and foremost, not updating your Instagram profile to a business one can harm your brand. While Instagram Business and Creator profiles might look similar to each other, they are intended for different purposes and users. 

Creator profiles are suited for influencers, creators, celebrities, and artists. Whereas Business profiles are intended for brands and organizations. 

Making this switch allows you to unlock Instagram’s tools and features that are designed to help you grow — most importantly, Instagram in-app analytics

  1. Not leveraging Instagram Stories

Introduced in 2016, it was initially seen as Instagram’s efforts to imitate the Snapchat feature with the same name. However, it has grown to become a key feature and marketing tool on Instagram as it allows users to post whatever they want for a limited time. 

Unlike evergreen content that is meant to stay forever (depending on the user’s intention), Instagram Stories are ephemeral content that’d last for 24 hours before disappearing forever (unless posted on “Highlights”). 

So why does ephemeral content work? Well, it’s natural to have a fear of missing out (also known as FOMO). And just like limited sales, it evokes a sense of excitement and inclusivity which encourages users to check out this fleeting content before it’s gone forever. 

  1. Buying likes and followers

It’s true that having big numbers says a lot about a company, celebrity, influencer, and creator. However, there is also a misconception that the amount of likes and followers measures the level of one’s success.

Well, most influencers receive money in exchange for a post or two, having a large community of followers doesn’t guarantee the success you think it does. Using these gimmicks to grow your profile, not only goes against the platform’s guidelines but also diminishes your credibility and tarnishes your reputation. 

But rather, focus on building your engagement rate which allows you to grow without vanity metrics. Vanity metrics are statistics that may appear spectacular on the surface, but don’t translate to any business value. For example, follower and view count.

  1. Failing to engage in conversations with your audience

On that note, prioritizing follower count over engagement rate is also a mistake that’s going to cost you in the long run. If you’re just starting, sure, it’s good to strive for a higher follower count. However, the higher your follower count, the harder it is for you to achieve a good engagement rate. Hence, when you’re starting, engagement rate might not be an issue.

What many users fail to understand is that there is no use having millions of followers, with an engagement rate of less than 1%. That is why you need to start boosting your engagement rate, by simply creating content that people want to engage with. 

If your posts aren’t gaining any form of engagement, it’s a sign for you to reevaluate the type of content you’re putting out. And when your audience is finally engaging with your content, don’t forget to engage back! 

  1. Not defining your target audience

There are millions of users out there. This makes it crucial to streamline your audience, so it reaches the right users. 

Not everyone on the platform will relate and connect with your content, and no matter what hard work you put in, if you aren’t able to understand your audience, you’ll struggle to achieve the results you want. 

Therefore, defining your target audience, allows you to focus your marketing efforts on users that matter. 

  1. Treating all social media platforms the same

Another rookie mistake is to treat all social media platforms the same. Each platform is unique and users on each platform digest content differently.

By seeking to understand how each platform works, you’d be able to learn the language of each platform and better communicate your objectives without missing the mark. 

Understanding your audience can also help you to increase visibility and with engagement from the right audience, processors would be able to promote your posts to the right audience.

  1. Coming on a little too strong

With billions of combined users on social media, content fatigue is very real. It describes the exhaustion users face by constantly being surrounded with NEW content all the time, and being unable to keep up with them. 

To stand out among the crowd, you need to engage and not flood your followers’ feeds with content every second of the day. By doing so, you’re causing your followers to dislike your brand. And soon enough, you’ll see your follower count take a nosedive. 

Therefore, it’s okay to take a break once in a while, and only put out content that matters — not for the sake of putting them out and overwhelming your audience.

Bonus: Not tracking or using analytics tools

Your social media strategy should be constantly updated to keep up with this ever-changing industry. A great way to move forward is to see the impact and performance of your past efforts. 

Therefore, by tracking your posts and using analytics to gather insights, you’re able to weed out content that underperformed or failed to achieve its intended purpose. It also allows you to know which content your followers are engaging well with, which only means one thing; you’re on the right track!

Brand's Resources

2022 Instagram Algorithm Explained – and what it means for brands

Instagram’s algorithm has been a topic of interest among users, brands, and even celebrities, who are desperately trying to figure out and “play the game” to simply make their posts seen by their followers. 

For those who aren’t familiar with Instagram, prior to 2016, Instagram’s feed has been displayed in chronological order, no matter how much you’ve interacted with the profile. But it all changed when Instagram launched an update, where user’s feeds are now curated based on their activity on the app… until 2022.

What changed in 2016?

Since 2016,  Instagram has an algorithm (or more accurately, algorithms) that helps them determine which posts to show you, in no particular order. Which means you might miss a post or two, from an account you love but “rarely interact” because they aren’t as active as other profiles. 

According to Instagram, their algorithm is made up of different algorithms, and processors to determine which posts make it. Not only that, different portions of the app have their respective algorithms. Which explains why the Explore page is so different from Reels. 

Instagram’s 2022 algorithm

Earlier this year, Instagram introduced the ability for users to switch between chronological order, as well as the feed that Instagram’s processes have worked hard to curate for users on the platform. 

In a tweet by the Head of Instagram, Adam Mosseri, users can choose between these three options:

  • Home 
  • Favorites 
  • Following 

With Favorites, Instagram is letting users play a bigger role in controlling their feed. You can curate your own feed by adding profiles you love to the list, with a maximum of 50 (for now anyways). And that’s not even the best part!

Even under a different feed, like “Home”, profiles in your “Favorites” list will rank higher up in your feed. This is a big change for business and brands who are struggling to gain visibility, and feeling like they’re constantly getting “shadowbanned”.

  1. “Shadowbanning doesn’t exist”

Last year, Adam Mosseri also debunked misconceptions about Instagram’s processes and assured users that shadowbanning does not exist. He attributes reasons why followers aren’t interacting with (your) posts is due to their tendency of looking “at less than half of their feed”. 

There are ways to avoid this by creating consistent and quality content that resonates with your audience, which reflects your brand’s image. 

Pro-tip: Find out the performance of your posts with Instagram Insights

  1. Leverage Instagram’s analytics tool

Instagram is currently providing insights in areas such as:

  • Accounts engaged – likes, saves, shares, and comments
  • Accounts reached – users who have seen your post/on screen
  • Overall content – data that represents your audience’s behavior/interaction with your content (link clicks, ad taps)

Keeping your audience engaged should remain a top priority no matter your goals, and you can do just that with the statistics provided. By leveraging Instagram’s analytics tool, you’d be able to gain better insights into your posts. 

  1. Putting your audience first

You’d find that trying to gain visibility is no longer a challenge, if you simply deliver content that they want. With that approach, you’re bound to appear on their feed, and hopefully even in their “Favorites” list.

Instagram is constantly changing and developing to make the platform more accessible for brands, businesses, consumers and creators alike. So, keep a lookout for future updates for creators!  

Creator's Academy

How to pitch a brand as a content creator

Pitching yourself to other brands can be intimidating, especially if you’re just starting your #PawjourrCreator journey. As a new face, you may be wondering “How do I secure partnerships?”, “Am I good enough for the job?” Well, all you have to do is ask!

How do you ask? Through pitch emails and even decks! While creators with larger profiles are commonly approached by these brands for partnerships, partnerships can form the other way round.

What is a brand pitch?

A brand pitch is designed to convince a brand to work with you. It should include:

  • A brief introduction of yourself including statistics of your profile audience 
  • What you love about their brand/product 
  • Media kit with your own rates
  • Past partnerships/experience

How do you pitch to brands as a creator?

The importance of these pitches is to convey what you can offer and why you’re the perfect influencer for the job. Less on how badly you want the job. Remember to keep the pitch brief – within 2 to 3 paragraphs – as an overview of your performance in achieving various campaign objectives; building awareness or increasing conversions.

While 2 to 3 paragraphs might seem very short, a proper structure can help make the most of your “word count”:

  1. The perfect hook
  2. Introduce yourself 
  3. Why you love the brand/product 
  4. Include your media kits and quote your rates
  5. Call-to-action (CTA)

#1: The perfect hook

Whenever you’re applying for the campaign, remember that the person receiving it is probably receiving hundreds of applications too. So make sure yours stands out among hundreds by keeping it short, direct, and memorable.

It should also include the benefits to the brand, and including emojis or small greetings helps to grab attention. 

The goal here is to convince the reader to read the entirety of your pitch. 

#2: Introduce yourself

This section can be kept as short as possible! The quickest way is to direct them to your profile. So don’t forget to add in links straight away. Highlight and showcase your personal brand by focusing on information that really matters – what makes you stand out from the crowd. 

#3: Why you love the brand/product

Brands gravitate towards influencers who have used their products, and loving them is a bonus! Working with a brand that you love makes the partnership a lot more genuine, allowing you to come up with content easily.

While writing your pitch, use these prompts to get the ball rolling:

  • What about their product/service that stands out to you?
  • Has the brand done anything specific that resonated with you?
  • Does the brand value and mission align with yours?

Show them that there’s a reason you’re reaching out to them, and you’ve done your research. Give them an outline on how you want to work together within a sentence or two.

Pro-tip: by focusing on shared values, brands are more likely to view you as a perfect fit. 

#4: Include a media kit and quote your rates

When pitching to brands, having a media kit helps to highlight your work. Think of it like a CV or portfolio! Important information to include:

  • Your bio and contact information
  • Your audience’s demographic – age, country, gender, and interests
  • Previous partnerships and testimonies (optional but appreciated)
  • Overview of your rates

By including your rates, brands are able to save time by gauging whether they have enough budget to partner with you. 

With Pawjourr, you can save the hassle with the Creator Dashboard. As a #PawjourrCreator, your details are automatically saved in your profile where brands can view them in an instant. While applying for campaigns, you can also  quote your own rates depending on the job!

#5: Call-to-action (CTA)

You may think that your write-up has ended here, but remember what you want your reader to do, after reading your pitch. Don’t forget to let them know how to contact you in the future, especially if they plan to continue the conversation.  And always give your pitch a second read, to avoid any spelling mistakes which can form a bad impression.

Creator's Academy

Paid Collaborations vs Product Sponsorships

Paid Collaborations and Product Sponsorships may seem like the same thing, but this can’t be further from the truth. Well, you’re in luck! We’re here to cover the key differences and similarities between these common incentivizing methods that brands are in love with.

Read on to find out how you can use your newfound knowledge to your advantage!

What are the differences?

Paid Collaborations are collaborations that often result in an exchange of products and monetary rewards for content. 

Product Sponsorship is when a product is gifted, or reimbursed in exchange for content. 

This content can come in various forms, videos, posts, or blog articles – just to name a few.

How you can benefit from them

You might be the new kid on the block, and you’re looking to make money by becoming an influencer. It can be daunting when you’re not entirely sure about the distinct rewards that supplement Paid Collaborations and Product Sponsorships. Fret not, cause we got you!

Product Sponsorships

As a fresh creator on social media, you should definitely look out for Product Sponsorships!

Product Sponsorships aren’t bad by any means. In fact, they are a great way to build an audience with up-and-coming products that might just be the next big thing. It allows you to try different products and be more honest with your audience, boosting your credibility on the platform.

Smaller brands (and even bigger ones), love handing out free products to niche communities of influencers. Why? Because it increases visibility, which in turn generates sales

And how does it benefit you? it allows them to leverage the content you’ve created for marketing purposes — in turn bringing more coverage for your own influencer branding! 

Photo credit: @herro_im_bo

Paid Collaborations

Paid Collaborations aka. Paid Partnerships are very popular, especially on Instagram. A higher number of followers and percentage of engagement allows you to quote for higher rates. However, there are more benefits to it than just monetary ones. 

By taking on these Paid Collaborations, you can increase your number of followers, and working with various brands allows you to reach accounts that relate to them. When your followers increase, your monetary gains will also increase adjunctively!

Photo credit: @teddy.the.prince

Things to take note

While it’s great to accept what comes your way, it’s also equally important to align yourself with brands that fit your own branding. You wouldn’t want to promote a product/service that doesn’t resonate with your audience. 

It is also a misconception that unpaid campaigns are bad. There are countless brands that exclusively run product-only campaigns. 

Relationships are a fundamental part of influencer marketing. Consider cultivating a long-term partnership with various brands. This way, you can organically recommend their products/services rather than one-time posts that may bring down your credibility. 

This is very important because the recommendations and reviews you make do contribute to the consumer’s purchasing decision.  


Remember, whether you’re a full-time influencer or doing it as a side hustle, there is always a slice of the ‘money pie’ for everyone — so have fun, get out there, and explore the diverse world of influencer marketing!

Brand's Resources

All you need to know about ambassadorships

When it comes to generating awareness and encouraging conversions, brand ambassadors have assumed a central role in the marketing strategy of many brands.

Who are they? Brand ambassadors are individuals who represent a brand, in a positive light or what others may call, the “face” of the brand. With an established network, not only are they valuable as advocates of your brand, they’re also increasingly strategic if you’re hoping to cut through the noise in our crowded digital setting.


Ambassadors can be anyone who aligns with your brand values and loves the work you do as a brand! Their trusted voices within their niche community have the power to influence decisions which can increase visibility and credibility.

Every brand has a group of advocates they can tap into so let’s take a look at why you should implement a brand ambassadorship program just like how YoDoggo did.

Why you need brand ambassadors 

If you’re looking to take your marketing campaign to the next level, you’re at the right place!

Increase trust and brand awareness

It can be a struggle trying to get your products and services out there, while facing stiff competition. One way to make your brand stand out among the crowd is through brand ambassadors that serves as a tool to legitimize your brand.

If you’re familiar with user-generated content (UGC), you’d know it’s true when they say it serves as a powerful addition to your marketing campaign. 

Audiences look at UGCs as trusted advice the same way they’d ask their family and friends. Such posts legitimize the product or service, acting as social proof that has the potential to turn viewers into consumers.

Cost effectiveness and efficiency

UGC is not just a great way to reach new audiences and gain trust, it also allows you to save costs by leveraging it for marketing outreach. It also allows you to save time to procure these assets. 

Sometimes it’s cheaper and faster to search through hundreds of UGCs, than to create content in-house. With UGC, consumers are creating these assets for you — use it!

Photo credit: @taco_and_milky

The YoDoggo Pack 

Earlier this May, we worked with YoDoggo to find the perfect influencers that fit their campaign. Let’s take a look at how they’ve increased and strengthened their presence in the community!

YoDoggo is a newly launched pet food brand in Singapore. They specialize in making completely balanced, 100% human-grade food for dogs — seeking to reimagine the quality of dog food — using 90% fresh meat and 10% vegetables, power seeds, and antioxidants. 

With this pathos, they targeted our local community of pet content creators for collaboration to help increase brand recognition in Singapore.

Photo credit: @hoshisheltie

Finding the perfect ambassadors

YoDoggo’s objective was to find committed brand ambassadors who share the same values of providing the best nutrition for their dogs. 

Through a collaborative social search, we organized an open call, to recruit passionate content creators who were keen to join the #yodoggopack

Here are some of the perks they could enjoy: 

  • Monthly meals delivered to their doorstep for 6 months
  • A personalized discount code for ambassadors’ followers 
  • Attractive referral commissions
  • Monthly cash reimbursement

Ambassadors were selected based on their ability to collaborate effectively and efficiently while building customer loyalty and commitment. Most importantly, they believed in what the brand stands for and are committed to advocating for the YoDoggo diet! 

As ambassadors for YoDoggo, the four creators would actively promote the brand through Instagram reels, images, and stories for a period of 6 months. 

Photo credit: @bubbles_thepompom

Building a successful ambassadorship program 

Implementing a successful ambassadorship program can be a daunting task which is why we’re here to share some must-follow steps: 

  1. Define the rules, scope and benefits of your ambassadorship program 
  2. Identify and reach out to your current/potential power users 
  3. Communicate the benefits of your brand ambassadorship in detail – give them a reason to become active advocates! 
  4. Establish proper contracts for long-term partnerships
  5. Create and share content with your ambassadors – supporting them with the latest events and promotions makes it easy for them to share content frequently
  6. Measure the impact of brand ambassadorship with proper tracking systems such as personalized discount codes
  7. Recognize and reward your brand advocates!

Need help getting started?

Making brand ambassadorships a part of your marketing strategy can go a long way in reaching a wider audience. 

Feel inspired by YoDoggo’s success but not sure where to start? Count on us to make your efforts more efficient! We help you take the hassle out of understanding the dos and don’ts of ambassadorships, saving you time on recruitment and management. 
Reach out to us at today!

Brand's Resources

A quick guide to compensating influencers!

Negotiating a mutually beneficial collaboration with content creators can be a daunting task – Must I really pay? How much should I pay? What if I’m on a limited budget?

Well, creators don’t work for free so it’s important to understand the different types of incentives that brands can offer — and how you can make use of a combination in order to make your partnerships work.

Read on to find out how you can keep your influencers engaged and excited about your brand with our handy guide to incentivizing your influencers the right way. 

Ways to incentivize influencers

1. #Gifted (Product Sponsorships)

When we think about influencer marketing, the first thing that comes to mind is product sponsorships/gifting; providing free products or services in exchange for a shoutout.

Product sponsorships are one of the most budget-friendly ways to reach your target audience effectively, when approached with realistic expectations.

For small campaigns on a limited budget, this is definitely a good starting point to reach out to audiences through micro or nano influencers, who are more receptive to gifting partnerships. Albeit a smaller audience size, these influencers make it up with higher engagement rates. 

Pro tip: 

Top-level creators still seek out gift-only collaborations to build their portfolio and create long-term relationships. Hence, it’s important to establish a valuable partnership: Influencers these days may not get too excited to post about a free sample pack or work with brands that are not respectful towards the creators they’re working with. 

While product sponsorships are a great way to get your brand out there, they can only go so far and as with all marketing strategies, it does not guarantee returns. 

Nonetheless, when coupled with other incentivization methods, product sponsorships can help to build on your brand’s relationship with influencers — a crucial factor if you want to maximize your brand’s fullest potential when it comes to influencer marketing!

2. Paid Campaigns / Pay per post 

Image Credit: @maiathemeow

Like product sponsorships, paid campaigns are also a very common way of incentivizing influencers. While prices per post can be a wide range due to various factors such as follower count or type of content, the key to leveraging its impact lies in selecting the most relevant and effective creators that aligns with your brand and product. 

Some things to take into consideration can include: 

  • Engagement rate and reach 
  • Post-effectiveness in terms of sponsored vs organic posts 
  • Type of content and channel used 
  • Number of post you require 
  • Is usage rights to run ads required 

Pay per post also serves as a perfect opportunity to gain a deeper understanding into your influencer marketing strategy. Establishing attribution and tracking allows you to track your influencers’ contribution to your goals while analyzing the type of content your audience are compelled to. This data will definitely help you refine and strengthen your campaigns to improve your ROI overtime. 

3. Performance-based Payments

Image Credit: @taco_and_milky

Performance-based payments compensate influencers based on conversions and/or an action. This way of work has been popular due to trackability and ease of execution. 

Some possible actions include: 

  • Purchase of brand’s products/services 
  • Subscription of brand’s program 
  • Signups 
  • Account creation 

Such a form of incentivisation puts the responsibility on creators to convince their followers to convert — the more they influence, the more they earn! 

Brands can therefore enjoy the benefits of quality content that sells, and effectively track creator performance for campaign optimisation at the same time. Sounds like a win-win situation if you ask us!

While it may be a relatively cost-effective approach (pay per result), it’s prudent to keep into consideration that this may not be the most favorable method amongst creators. Brands would often have to offer something valuable such as free products or a base pay to kickstart the partnership.

However, it may be a worthwhile investment to build long-term relationships. Always remember, by giving your creators a good collaborative experience, they’d only have praises to sing!

Not all influencers want the same thing

Similar to the aspects of influencer marketing, incentivizing isn’t one size fits all. Make the effort — add a touch of personalization to show you care and provide value to your creators. 

While the ever-growing industry of influencer marketing urges brands to diversify the type of influencer they work with, marketers will also need to learn how to establish partnerships that are mutually beneficial yet cost-effective. 

A general rule of thumb is to always compensate creators fairly to foster a collaborative relationship with mutual respect and understanding. Work within your limits and focus on building relationships with influencers who can deliver results for you.

There! You’re all set and ready to explore the diverse world of influencer marketing.

Community Stories

How To Choose The Right Dog Breed For Your Family

Dogs are man’s best friend and part of the family. If you’re a pet owner and thinking about adopting a new dog but don’t know what dog breed to get, this article is for you.  

It’s crucial that you carefully choose the right fur baby, especially if you live with your family, as not everyone might appreciate the dog breed. 

Also, you need to be sure about getting a dog. Don’t discard them when you get bored. Dogs are not toys that you can just toss around. They have feelings like human beings. 

Continue reading for factors to consider in choosing a dog.

Size Matters   

Before getting a dog, you should consider how much space you have in your home or apartment. Size is a significant factor that you and your family need to consider before selecting any breed. 

If you have a spacious house with a backyard, you can go for medium or large dog breeds. It should give your fur baby enough space to play, roam around, and poop in the backyard. 

On the other hand, a small dog breed is suitable if you live in an apartment or a condo unit. These rarely need to go outdoors. Keep in mind that although tiny dogs don’t require a lot of room, most of them are prone to accidents around the house. Perhaps they’re too little, and you didn’t notice that you’re already stepping on their tail or paw.   

Large canines may also cause damage to your furniture. They’re not ideal for tiny homes because being confined to a tight space doesn’t give them enough room to release their pent-up energy, making them prone to behavioral problems.  

Here are examples of dog breeds in different sizes: 

  • Small-Sized Dogs: Bichon Frise, Dachshund, Maltese, Pomeranian, and Pug. 
  • Medium-Sized Dogs: American Foxhound, Bulldog, Chow Chow, Dalmatian, and English Springer Spaniel 
  • Large-Sized Dogs: Akita, Doberman Pinscher, Great Dane, Mastiff, and Siberian Husky. 

Grooming Needs

Every dog needs to be groomed. It’s advisable to start getting your puppy groomed when they’re around 10 weeks old. Some dog breeds require a little more based on their coat type. If you have hairy dogs, you’ll need to groom them regularly.

Furthermore, most short-haired and smooth-coated dogs shed a lot. Hence, you’ll have to vacuum or sweep the floor and other parts of the house frequently.  

Additionally, some breeds are more susceptible to diseases than others. And dogs with floppy ears are prone to ear infections and require regular ear cleaning.

Life Stages 

The dog’s personality evolves with every life stage: puppy, adolescent, adult, and senior.  

During the first six months, puppies require a lot of training and attention. Hence, they’re best for families that can devote more time and patience. The entire process won’t be easy, and there will be a lot of damaged furniture and other items in the house. 

But on the bright side, they’ll eventually mature as they age. It’s like watching a kid grow up right before your very eyes. 

Now, adult dogs are already house-trained and a lot calmer than puppies. Additionally, you know what to expect with older dogs, and you’re familiar with their medical history.

Fits Your Lifestyle 

Look for a dog that matches your stamina. If your family lives an active lifestyle, high-spirited dogs are suitable. They will complement your energy, and you can do many outdoor activities together.  

But if you’re more of a laid-back household and prefer taking strolls around the block or park, go for low-energy dogs.  

If you randomly choose a dog, you may get frustrated or bored. 

Here are several dog breeds classified according to energy level: 

  • Active Dogs: Border Collie, Jack Russell Terrier, Weimaraner, Belgian Malinois, and Boxer. 
  • Couch Potatoes: Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Saint Bernard, Basset Hound, Pekingese, or a Neapolitan Mastiff. 

Distinguishing Traits  

Dogs have distinct characteristics. Thus, choosing the right breed suitable for the entire family is crucial.  

If you’re sensitive to animal fur, consider hypoallergenic breeds such as Affenpinscher, Bolognese, Chinese Crested, Löwchen, and Yorkshire Terrier.  

Families with infants or small children should get kid-friendly dogs like Bernese Mountain Dog, Golden Retriever, Beagle, Poodle, and Cocker Spaniel.  

If you live in an apartment with elderly neighbors, select from dog breeds that fit a quiet neighborhood, such as French Bulldog, Australian Cattle Dog, Shar-Pei, Greyhound, Shiba Inu, and Shih Tzu. 

Suppose you need guard dogs to watch over your house and the entire property. In that case, it’s ideal to get three from the following dog breeds: Appenzeller Sennenhunde, Bullmastiff, Cane Corso, German Shepherd, or Rottweiler can help secure your home.


Choosing the best dog breed for you and your family can make all the difference. You’re not only adding a new member to the family but also giving the dog a home. 

Many dogs have been abandoned, ending up in shelters. By adopting one or two, you’re giving them a chance at a better life.  Buying a dog will do just as well, but be sure to take good care of them.

Community Stories

Guide to bringing your dog to Sentosa

As boring as Singapore may be, we are lucky to be able to enjoy free access to Sentosa beaches till the end of the year!

1. Booking a slot & getting there

If you’re bringing your dog along, you can book a slot at Tanjong Beach and choose either Zone 1 or Zone 2. For us, we prefer the Zone 1 area as there is more space for off-leash zoomies! You will have to choose between an AM or PM slot as well.

Things to bring:

  1. Bathing supplies for your doggo (shampoo, towel, SPARE TOWEL)
  2. A ground mat plus enough items to weigh down the sides
  3. Extra disposable sheet for your doggo to rest on, because they can get very dirty (optional)
  4. Water and treats
  5. Extra hooman to carry all the belongings while you handle your dog ?
Map to TBC
Tanjong Beach Club Directions

Park right outside Tanjong Beach Club and you can easily walk to Tanjong Beach in just a few minutes. Don’t forget to watch out for oncoming bikes while bringing your dog to the beach area!

If you did not book a slot, you may not be able to access the beach if they are filled! You can always try your luck at the counter outside the beach but that’s subjected to availability on the day itself. I suggest booking at least 3 days in advance to secure a time slot.

2. Unleash the zoomies!

Only unleash your dogs if you are confident of their outdoor recall with distractions. There have been cases of dogs going missing at Sentosa without a leash. Don’t forget to put on your dog’s ID tag as well!

Things to note:

  1. Not all dogs you meet at the beach is friendly, always be ready to mediate a fight
  2. There will be many children at the beach, if your dog is not 100% friendly with kids, keep a safe distance and politely tell them to give your dog some space if they intend to approach, you do not want to risk anything
  3. Do not let your dog eat sand! Check out the article written by Taro
  4. There may be some trash lying around the shore, make sure that your dog does not ingest them
  5. Don’t forget to drink up
  6. If your dog is extremely food-motivated, ensure that they do not snoop around other beach go-ers bags! (#guilty)

It is crucial to keep a safe distance from other beach go-ers. There are designated spots for different groups of beach goe-ers to lay their mats. You will be asked to leave the beach if you do not comply. Keep your masks on at all times unless you are heading for a swim as well.

Once your dog gets wet, you can only expect him to get even dirtier with all the sand and dirt getting trapped on his fur, especially for thick-coated dogs. If you leave your pet’s harness or collar on while they are swimming, you may possibly expect them to get some abrasion a few hours later.

Meet your trusted furriend which your pet can get along with and have crazy zoomies together!

3. Time to clean up

There is an outdoor bathing point outside the beach, next to the public toilet at the carpark. It has been implied as a washing point for dogs already. You will be required to exit the beach area and remove your tag after leaving the beach.

Here’s where your bathing supplies and extra hooman will come to use. The wash point is pretty small and there are two working water taps. Get your extra hooman to help push the tap while the main handler shampoo the dog. Definitely not easy, but it could at least get rid of most of the sand trapped in your dog’s fur. I would recommend having a proper bath once you reach home.

Thick-coated dogs may not dry in time before heading back home and that’s where your extra towel comes to use. Lay it out in your car and let your doggo have a good sleep while you are all sweaty and dirty, chauffeuring your little king home.

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Everything You Need to Know About Guinea Pigs in Singapore — Part 2/6: Bedding (3 Wood Shavings)

Wood shavings are the subject of many a passionate debate among guinea pig lovers in Singapore. Before we get into the contentious bits, let’s start with the cold, hard, facts. Wood shavings come in the following common varieties: aspen, cedar, pine, rubber, and a mixture of wood types. Some are safe, some are not.

Cedar and pine naturally contain phenols that smell great to humans but are harmful to the delicate respiratory systems of the beloved guinea pig. The consensus seems to be that cedar, whether heat treated or not, are toxic to guinea pigs. Thus, only heat treated or kiln dried pine shavings are safe options for guinea pig bedding. Aspen shavings, on the other hand, do not contain harmful phenols and is commonly marketed adjacent to small animal paper bedding in pet stores. No information currently exists on the safety levels of rubber tree shavings for guinea pigs, so steer clear to stay safe. In summary, only aspen or heat treated pine shavings are appropriate bedding types for guinea pigs. 

Pro tip: Wooden hideys and chew toys should also only be made from guinea pig friendly, pesticide-free wood.

Instagram: Mapetitemenagerie

Where can I get wood shavings in Singapore?

The easiest option would be to purchase it at your local pet store, but those shavings come in small bags and are often similar in pricing to small animal paper bedding. The more cost effective option would be to buy wood shavings from companies that sell bedding to horses. That being said, be prepared to buy a comparatively large amounts at one go. The Equine Sanctuary caters to small animal owners and are able to sell a minimum of approximately 18kg of compressed wood shavings at a time (a lot less than a horse owner would need). This is still a significant amount for guinea pigs and can last for a few weeks depending on the size of your enclosure. My favourite brand is Bluefrog as it is comprised of heat treated pine shavings that are absorbent and almost dust-free.

Factors to take into consideration when selecting wood shavings…

  1. Do the shavings contain a mix of potentially dangerous wood types? 
  2. Are the shavings dusty?
  3. Do I have an appropriate place to store the bedding?

Make sure the wood-shavings you select is indeed safe for guinea pigs as many brands contain a mixture of different types of wood. Many pet stores also sell wood pellets or compressed wood bedding products marketed for small animals. These tend to come from unknown wood-origins and break down into dust when they come into contact with liquids. This concept also applies to wood-based cat litter — steer clear. It goes without saying that sawdust is also an absolute no go. 

Pro tip: Create an easy to clean “kitchen area” for hay to keep the rest of the guinea pig enclosure relatively hay-free.

I love using heat treated pine shavings as, in my opinion, they are immensely more absorbent, odour friendly, and cost effective than the bedding types we have explored thus far. That being said, guinea pigs “popcorn” and do “zoomies” when they are happy. This can kick up bedding, so ensure that the sides of your enclosure are high enough to contain their adorable antics. Build or purchase a C&C (cube and chloroplast) cage with a height of at least 20cm. You can try your hand at DIY-ing or contact The Modern Guinea with your preferred cage specifications. 

Don’t skimp on the amount of wood shavings you provide, I would recommend a minimum depth of 10cm of bedding. Many youtube videos filmed overseas proclaim that with enough depth, wood shavings only need to be changed out once a week. However, in Singapore, no bedding is likely to stay clean without daily maintenance — remove soiled areas regularly and do a full change every 7-10 days.

Pro tip: Guinea pigs tend to pee and poop under their hideys, corners of their cage, and where they eat. Spot clean those areas daily!

Instagram: Mapetitemenagerie

Another important consideration to make before choosing to go with wood shavings is whether you have adequate and appropriate indoor space to safely store wood shavings without it growing mold or harbouring insects. In most countries, buying in bulk is the way to go, but in Singapore, this increases the chances of mite infestations and fungal growth. I, unfortunately, learned this the hard way and now never buy more than a month’s worth of bedding or hay in one go. If you ever do face infestations, diatomaceous earth is a natural and effective way of deterring insects from multiplying. You can purchase diatomaceous earth locally at Please avoid letting your guinea pigs inhale diatomaceous earth.

Health tip: Use Revolution (Selamactin) on guinea pigs to treat mites and mange at 10mg/kg. Use this handy website for dosage calculations.

Why do so many youtube videos feature guinea pigs overseas using sawdust and other “unsafe” bedding products? 

Guinea pigs were first domesticated by the Incas 3000 years ago, but animal husbandry practices have continually evolved and improved as information becomes more readily available. We learn and adapt! Secondly, guinea pigs in Singapore tend to have weaker respiratory systems than their overseas counterparts, thus ensuring that their environment is relatively dust-free is paramount to keeping them healthy. I can only hypothesize that much like other common domestic animals in our compact city-state, our pets tend to have a narrow lineage and are consequently more genetically prone to certain illnesses. 

Some guinea pig owners in Singapore argue that all wood shavings are harmful and can cause respiratory issues. Given that our local furry friends are prone to such issues, you may choose to be extra cautious. However, I am of the opinion that if you do your research and ensure that the wood shavings you select do follow the above criteria, you’re in the green.

Ammonia buildup on fleece can cause issues, pee pads run the risk of being ingested, all materials have their pros and cons. Needless to say, wood shavings have their flaws too — some guinea pigs may develop allergies or be extra sensitive to certain types of wood. Observe, adapt, and don’t be afraid to mix it up!

Instagram: Mapetitemenagerie

I hope these articles help you and your guinea pigs find the perfect bedding combination. Stay tuned for the next article where I will cover a few more alternative bedding options before moving on to our next topic — Everything You Need to Know about Guinea Pigs in Singapore Part 3/6: Environment. 

To review the basics go to:
To read more about guinea pig bedding in Singapore go to:

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Choosing the Right Toys for Your Dog

Toys are essential items for all dogs, regardless of age and breeds. All dogs love to play to a certain extent. Playing and chewing are natural canine behaviours.

There are so many dog toys options in the market now, so choosing toys for your dog can be overwhelming, especially for new owners. Then there’s the other end of the spectrum where overzealous dog owners end up buying every single toy in sight cos they are cute, without considering the form or functions of these toys. Some owners may end up with a giant pile of toys gathering dust because the toys they chose do not interest their dogs or there are simply too many.

So how do you choose toys that your dog will actually like?

A dog’s toy preference depends on their personal style of playing and chewing. Instead of buying just any toy in the store, try to be more purposeful in selecting and trying out a few different types of toys.

Here are the common types of dog toys in the market, and these are also the ones that I personally allow Duoji to play with at home.


A quintessential dog toy, balls are classic examples that we see everywhere, in movies, books, etc. There’s a reason why they are so popular and evergreen.

They are great for playing fetch, rolling around and getting your pup to chase it, or even as a chew toy depending on the material used. Generally, the more durable ones like rubber balls last longer and are safer for them. Personally, I wouldn’t recommend those foam ones or even tennis balls, as it’s easy for your dog to chew off bits of it and ingest them.

When choosing a ball for your dog, try to pick one that is large enough for them to carry without accidentally swallowing it, but small enough to comfortably hold in the mouth.

This is a good size for Duoji but the foam material didn’t last long.
This plastic ball isn’t that great for playing but it makes a funny sound when it’s rolling.

Chew toys

Can they be called dogs if they don’t enjoy chewing? Chew toys are another classic and must-have toys for all furkids. Feeding into their natural instinct to chew, such toys can help to ease boredom, reduce dental plaque, and are great especially when your pup is teething.

They come in many different shapes and sizes, and materials. Depending on whether your dog is a strong chewer, you might need to select chews toys with different hardness levels. Try around a few types and if you observe your dog making a dent in the toy or even chewing off a chunk easily, then that’s probably not hard enough for your power chewer.

I love this one from Kong, Not only is it durable and gives a good chew, it’s great for a game of fetch. Due to its odd shape, the toy bounces in different directions each time when it hits the floor, which gives an added level of excitement during play time.
You can squeeze doggy toothpaste into this one for extra teeth cleaning while your pup is chewing. It’s a bit messy to clean up though.

The first-ever chew toy I got for Duoji was a mini Nylabone. As a first time owner, I just grabbed the most readily available ones and Nylabone can be found easily at all PLC outlets. However, I kept finding little bits of the toy around the house. Eventually, I tossed it out. Subsequently, I read up a little bit more about Nylabone and found that there were quite a bit of negative reviews on it, from the pieces of plastic breaking off and being ingested by dogs, to causing tooth fractures, etc.

To be fair, regardless of brands and materials, the real danger of any chew toy lies in the potential damage to your dog’s teeth or digestive system so the best way is to monitor closely. If the toy becomes too battered or you keep finding bits of it, chances are your furkid needs a tougher chew toy.

Duoji’s first Nylabone chew toy.

Stuffed toys

Stuffed toys are great as a snuggle buddy and can serve as a chew toy for the more gentle chewers. They usually contain squeakers and some kind of stuffing, so for power chewers, it’s best to supervise them during play just in case they rip it apart and ingest the stuffing.

These toys tend to be cheaper but don’t last very long. They also tend to get dirty more easily and would require more frequent washing and disinfecting, as compared to toys made from other materials like rubber etc, which can be wiped easily.

I personally avoid those that are furry, cos the fibres might be ripped off by your dog while chewing and ingested, or cause a mess around the house.

Just a fraction of Duoji’s stuffed toy collection. There’s a random knotted towel in there which is great for chewing as well.
I love this one from Daiso! It’s ultra durable and the material (a bit net-like) is easy to clean. Washes and dries quickly too. I have a spare one in storage just in case this one is gone.
This is what I meant by furry toys. The fibres may dislodge easily, plus the fur gets all clumpy and yucky when wet with your dog’s saliva. Not recommended.

Tug toys

Most dogs love a good game of tug-of-war. It’s fun and an excellent way to tire your pup out. There are many types of tug toys in the market – choose one that is comfortable for you to hold in your hand and pull on, as well as easy for your dog to bite and pull on.

In addition, they should be durable enough to withstand your dog’s pulling. Be sure to replace worn-out tug toys so they do not break in the middle of a game.

Be mindful not to tug too hard when playing. If your dog wouldn’t release the toy, just let it go and try again. I’ve heard stories of dogs getting their teeth pulled out during games.

Rope toys are a popular choice when it comes to tug games but personally, I don’t recommend as they tend to fray very easily. The fibres, when detached and ingested, can cause a serious obstruction in your dog’s digestive tract. There are many online literatures citing the dangers of rope toys. Do read up and make an informed decision.

The above-mentioned Daiso stuffed toy. Notice the frayed rope portion? I removed it subsequently.

Interactive Toys

Apart from a good physical workout, dogs need ample mental stimulation as well. Learning tricks/obedience training, and having a good walk and sniff session outdoors are great ways to achieve this. Why not up the ante with interactive toys?

Common ones include food-dispensing toys and puzzles and come in many variations. These can be on the pricey end of things but in general, you don’t as many of these in your collection. Personally, I source for mine via Taobao or Ezbuy, which is much cheaper than local stores.

Will work for food.

Nose-work toys

To a dog, their sense of smell is everything. It’s what they rely on to explore their surroundings, suss out food, recognise people and peers, identify danger, etc. Hence, it’s always a good idea to incorporate toys that can help to train them to use their noses more.

Snuffle mats are a good choice because of their huge variety and ‘pattern’. Some designs can even be folded and kept in a compact bag for easy storage. They can also be easily DIY-ed if you’re the crafty sort. All you gotta do is to hide some treats in the numerous folds or layers and watch your dog go on a hunt to uncover all the treats. Alternatively, burrow toys are a good choice as well!

Lazy girl taking a short cut by lifting up the mat and scattering the treats all over.

Bonus: Larger than life toys

Well, this is entirely optional but a ‘cute-to-have’ addition in your collection. Duoji absolutely loves stuffed toys that are way larger than her. She’ll drag them all over the house, lie on them, attack and ‘fight’ with them, etc. Maybe it’s like having a sibling…

I hope this list serves as a quick guide to choosing the appropriate toys for your dog. For dog toys, variety is better than quantity, or else you’ll soon end up with clutter. After all, they can only play with that many toys in a single session and who’s gonna clean up the mess? =P

Quick tip: Try rotating the toys by switching out a couple of them with something else, then re-introducing them again after a while. Your dog will probably think they are brand new and you save money and avoid building up a pile of unused toys.

Until our next post!