Community Stories

Adopting Brownie, a Foster Fail

I’ve always had a fascination for cats from the time I was little. One of the many cat-related stories of me as a child was how I catnapped several kittens without my dad’s knowledge. We were followed by what seems to be their mother and rightfully so, I had returned them to her.

Fast forward to when I met my then boyfriend (now husband), I found out he had dogs most of his life and loves cats too, naturally we would often fantasize about having pets, and how many fur kids we’d have in our household.

Re-enactment of how I catnapped several kittens. I could only find 1 for this.


The moment we’ve successfully applied for our HDB flat, and started moving in, plans for pawrenthood slowly began taking shape. Because of his lifelong experience with dogs and family drama of not having everyone on board, he was rather adamant about ensuring I was prepared for a life with pets – as I’ve never lived alongside cats or dogs while growing up.

It’s clear as day we’ve been bewitched by cats.

We were determined to go by the adoption route as we both have strong opinions on that.  From following our local Facebook cat groups, we’ve gleaned lots of information and made plans to find a cat at an adoption drive or from a Cat Welfare Society (CWS) or SPCA related event. 

From their Facebook pages and friends, we understood that they have rather stringent adoption guidelines about the readiness of your home: especially if your home has been cat-proofed with the necessary window hardware for pet safety in highrise apartments, or houseplants that pose a risk to cats, etc.

An important laundry list of considerations before thinking about having a cat.

We’ve also been concerned about the realities of cost and how we would be involved with the cat’s life. Whether we could give the best to the cat and that we may not be ready for a long time. Day to day costs and medical costs may be borne by the fosterers alone. So on top of time and effort, money is also an important factor in our decision.


It was August 2017. After boarding our flight and waiting for the plane to take off, I was thumbing through my Facebook feed when I came across a friend’s social post, looking for somebody to help foster an abandoned cat. 

I turned to my husband seated next to me:

“You’ve always wanted a Siamese cat…?”

Just before takeoff; the idea took off.

He had a good look at the pictures, and shrugged, “Well, if it’s just fostering for the time being, why not?”

At that time, we had thought fostering this brown kitty would be a great opportunity to learn about cat ownership, before committing to adopting one. Little did we know, we were wrong in some ways. ?

Once we returned home, I reached out to my friend to offer our help. After being added to a Whatsapp group with a direct line to Brownie’s rescuers, we finally arranged a day for this brown cat to be transported.

Day 1: Brownie Beckons

The rescuers understood we are first-time cat owners, so they had kindly packed a “starter kit” to help make the transition smooth. The starter kit included a tiny litter box, feeding bowls, about 2 weeks worth of kitten kibble and canned food, some toys and a scratching board.

Til this day, we’re using this particular feeding bowl for dry kibble. Stainless steel for the win.

Before Brownie was put in our care, we read several articles suggesting keeping new cats in one room for a couple days before letting them go about. This was to ensure the cat had enough time to adjust to her new surroundings before showing her the rest of the place. Brownie took off on her own and claimed every conceivable spot for herself in just a couple days. We then decided to purchase extra supplies should her next forever home take some time to happen. 

“Are you SURE this is gonna last…?” – Brownie

It was then, while shopping for extra supplies, my husband had made up his mind – because he felt it wasn’t fair for Brownie to be bounced from home to home if we were only fostering for a month or slightly more. Also, it happens that he often works from home by himself and boy, does it get lonely. 

A day in the life of a lonely man, begrudgingly accompanied by his feline companion

We were so transparent when asking for deals on pet supplies, the rescuers immediately caught on we were going to keep her long term. Though at that point in time we were still iffy about this big decision, the rescuers know we’ve been caught hook, line and sinker.

A week or two 2 months had passed, and we announced Brownie as our own. She has officially become what among cat circles is dubbed as a “foster fail”.

Day 1: “I love this place, thank you uwu”
Day 60: “Kneel before me, lousy peasant”

We also kept her name Brownie, to pay tribute to the rescuers who had christened her as such.

Til this day, we have never regretted having Brownie by our side.

“BUT WHAT ABOUT ME?! I regret the day I had no say in my furrever family!!!” – Brownie

From here on out

I can only write what I know through the experience of other friends who have successfully sent out their foster cats to loving homes. 

In a normal fostering situation, the cat moves out of the foster home to their furrever families. The fosterers and rescuers will be communicating regularly to keep each other current on what’s happening. 

Before COVID19, adoption drives were often organized, and hopefully we can return to that soon. It is the responsibility of fosterers to ensure the cats are healthy, disease & parasite free and well groomed so they can be put out to furrever homes in the best condition. 

The new normal for adoption drives, in the current COVID19 situation.

If fosterers are inclined and well connected, they could get spots in adoption drives on their own, or they can easily coordinate with rescuers to secure spots for their cats. 

The actual adoption process itself may be less straightforward, and dare I say such a process requires the alignment of the stars. Potential adopters may need to be screened, have their living conditions checked and past adoption history reviewed. However that topic is an entire series of articles on its own and I’m sure we can expand more on that in the future.

Once the adopters have been screened and the papers signed, it is time to bid teary goodbyes to your foster cat with whom you’d probably have bonded over the last few weeks or months. But don’t let that stop you from fostering. Fostering is a worthy cause, and it has a positive impact on both the cats, and the communities at large.


Anna’s a cat slave to three ex-street cats Brownie, Beth and Boba.

Holla at Brownie and the gang at @brownbethboba on Instagram!

Community Stories

Dental Scaling for Pets

Dental scaling is one of the most important health topic yet it is a procedure that is not commonly done so by pet owners. What is dental scaling? Why is dental scaling important? What are the risks of dental scaling?

1. Dental Scaling

Dental scaling is the removal of plaque and tartar on the surface on the teeth and under the gum line. It is usually performed under general anaesthesia as most pets will fidget and some will not allow veterinarians or veterinary technicians to lift up the gums and scale off the built-up of plaque and tartar. Dental scaling performed without general anaesthesia only improves the aesthetic appearance of the teeth but does not improve periodontal health due to dirt and bacteria under the gumline. Dental scaling is recommended every 2-3years for medium to larger breed dogs and every year for smaller breed dogs. Smaller breed dogs tend to have overcrowding of teeth and some smaller dogs may retain their deciduous(baby) teeth which can increase plaque and tartar build-up.

2. Periodontal disease

Periodontal disease is the infection and inflammation of the gums covering and supporting the tooth. It comes in 4 stages (gingivitis, slight periodontal disease, moderate periodontal disease, and advanced periodontal disease). Removal of tartar and plaque can reverse gingivitis which can be achieved through proper dental scaling and polishing under general anaesthesia. Daily brushing of the teeth is recommended as it removes biofilm which can prevent the accumulation of calculus(tartar). If your pet do not allow tooth brushing, another alternative method would be using gauze to wipe the surface of the tooth. Plaque will form after 3 days to form calculus which cannot be removed by tooth brushing. Dental chews or toys that provide teeth cleaning provide little to zero effect in removing plaque and tartar.

Image of a dog with periodontal disease

Signs and symptoms of periodontal disease

  • Loss of appetite
  • Bad breath
  • Drooling
  • Constantly smacking of the lips
  • Loose teeth
  • Nasal discharge or sneezing
  • Bleeding of gums
  • Not wanting to be touched near the mouth

3. Prevention

To prevent your pet from having periodontal disease, regular dental scaling and polishing are recommended. Maintenance of healthy teeth can be done by daily brushing of the teeth or a healthy diet. If periodontal disease is left untreated, not only cause painful infected teeth or tooth abscesses which require removal, it can also affect your pet’s health negatively. It can affect the major organs such as the heart, kidney or liver as bacteria found in the animal’s mouth can enter the bloodstream which affects their immune system. Pets with healthy teeth and gums are signs that they are in good physical condition and can live much longer.

4. Risks

General anaesthesia is the number 1 concern of pet owners when it comes to dental scaling. Most owners heard of horror stories where their pet does not make it under general anaesthesia due to old age or underlying conditions(heart murmur, kidney/liver failure). Thankfully, with science being advanced these days, there are options that can be done to ensure your pet is healthy to undergo general anaesthesia. A simple blood test which takes no longer than 30mins could tell you if your pet is healthy to proceed with surgery. Dogs with heart murmur can also do an echocardiogram to check if they are fit to undergo surgery.

Another concern of pet owners would be having their pet’s teeth extracted. There are veterinary clinics in Singapore such as Maranatha Vet or Oasis Vet which provide dental x-ray services to determine if a particular tooth is viable or not.

5. Conclusion

In conclusion, it is always better to check with your regular vet when it comes to your pet’s health. Do not hesitate to call up your regular vet especially if you have not done any dental scaling or dental checks before! Always brush your dog’s teeth daily especially when a dental scaling procedure is done to maintain clean healthy teeth! Just like us hoomans, we still have to go for dental cleaning even with regular brushing.

Here is a photo of Hiro’s before and after when he had his first dental cleaning.

The above article is written by the hooman of @hiroxcharoadventures.

Community Stories

Adopting a skittish & fearful dog – Mayo

Around November 2019, we felt ready for a new addition to our family. Being first-time owners, we had a lengthy discussion and started doing our homework on costs, training and responsibilities, pros/cons of adopting vs buying and etc. It was then we started scrolling through the websites of various shelters and that’s where we came across Mayo’s profile on Save our Street Dogs (SOSD). To be completely honest, we were still in the initial phases of looking around.. And so we decided to join SOSD’s bi-monthly shelter tour to learn more about the street dogs and the work they do. 

The first time we saw Mayo in the shelter

We managed to spot Mayo among the rows and rows of kennels and even in real life she captured our hearts with her gentleness – a stark contrast to the crazy intense barking and jumping up and down going on in around stressful shelter environment. Long story short, we went down for the next 7 weeks to interact with her and learn more about her before deciding to bring her home on 1st Feb 2020.

Mayo when it was time to go for walks in the shelter
Trying to take Mayo out for a walk on Day 2.

Despite knowing that she was fearful on walks (and pretty much all the time, and of all things hahaha), we still took her for a home trial thinking that the home environment would be better for her. We were NOT prepared for what was to come.. oppps! The first few days were the toughest – she wouldn’t walk and we couldn’t leash her. She howled and cried in the middle of the night and held her pee and poop for hours. And the moment the leash went on with the slightest tug to get her moving, she would pee and shit all over the house on the way out. Our walks were literally 5 mins a day.  At one point it was a 2 man job just to get her out of the house – one of us had to hold on to a crate to lure her to walk, while the other one held on to her leash. We tried allowing her to pee/poop indoors but she did not take to that either. We had a hard conversation and decided that we might not be able to keep her if it was a 2 man job just to get her out to do her business everyday. 

Thank the heavens though! We decided to try our best before the end of the trial and reached out to @dawkstar for help. Within 5 mins of their assessment, Mayo suddenly??? suddenly??? walked on the leash with the help of another lead dog. Hooray! Back at home everyday was a slow improvement and today we are happy to report she walks to the door confidently to get leashed. Despite the odds that were still stacked against us, we adopted her officially on 14th February 2020. It would have been cruel to send her back to an environment she was clearly stressed out in after merely seeing her walk.

Well, it has been almost 7 months since Mayo came into our lives. Unfortunately, for the first 5 months at home, Mayo was perpetually stuck on her bed. She wouldn’t move from her bed unless it was walk time or eat time. We hand-fed her every meal in hopes of building a relationship quicker; we sat next to her everyday for a few minutes just to get her familiar with us. If you ask me, she was not a dog. It is also one of the most painful feelings to see a dog constantly in a state of fear, anxiety & insecurity. She had toys to play with! She had yummy treats to eat! She had a shelter over her head and a nice comfortable bed to sleep on at night. We even put in the work everyday to help condition her, interact with her and try to help her. But she didn’t know how to enjoy the new life she had and emotionally it was so so so tough on us. Of course we wanted to enjoy her – that’s why we all get a dog right? Companionship? Friendship? We longed to hug her, pet her, play with her, take her out to the beach, meet our friends and family – but couldn’t. Some days (even till now), we wonder if she will ever come of her shell and be a normal dog that knows how to enjoy affection, play, have fun and be freed from her fearful and anxious state of mind. But! She has come very far. In the last 2 months, we’ve seen her coming up to us to ‘kaypoh’ when there’s food on the table. And just last week, she’s started to feel confident enough to vocalize and make her little barks heard! She has also been enjoying occasional head rubs when she’s in the mood and getting more confident walking around the house in our presence. We’ve even had a nice cafe dinner with a fellow dog-owner on Friday 🙂 For a dog who’s been literally a piece of furniture in the house, watching her leave her bed for whatever reason is a huge win for us. So even though she has yet to wag her tail or greet us at the door, we are going to celebrate the small victories and believe that it will come one day, with time 🙂

We have received tons of support through the Singapore Specials community and the dog community in general. Lots of fellow pawrents drop us encouraging notes, tips and sometimes just really kind messages to acknowledge the effort we have put in and how Mayo has progressed since Day 1. I would love to share with fellow pawrents on how we have worked with her in hopes to help other people in the same boat but that’s going to be another lengthy post for another time.

Till then, follow us on Instagram @mayothedogo to watch our progress and share in our successes and failures! We are not dog trainers, but if what we do can inspire you to do something different, we say GO FOR IT! Don’t give up on your pup, it will be worth it in the end.

Mayo signing off!

The above article is written by the hooman of @mayothedogo.

Community Stories

Planning your own parasite prevention routine

Customizing your own parasite prevention routine

Most pet owners know the importance of parasite prevention for our pets. Easy as it sounds, I in fact had a hard time choosing the different products to provide complete and wholesome protection for Loki. 

I’ll be sharing about the common brands of heartworm and flea & tick prevention, as well as how we come to decide on the combination that suits our lifestyle.


Heartworm disease is a serious illness that affects both dogs and cats by directly attacking the heart. In severe cases, heartworm disease can potentially cause death. The disease can be transmitted by mosquitoes. 

As per our vet’s advice, heartworm prevention should begin as soon as possible, before a young puppy or kitten turns 7 months old. After the 7-month period, they will need to be tested for possible heartworm infection before beginning their prevention routine.

Flea & Tick

Our pets can get fleas and/or ticks from the environment, be it other pets or bushes. Such infection can lead to other issues like skin irritation, anemia or tick paralysis if not treated.

Our Research

The following comparison is done based on the dosage required by a 12kg dog.

Prices are taken from (member price) or PerroMart.

HEARTGARD® PlusBravecto ChewsNexGard® SpectraFrontline® PlusAdvocateRevolution
Price per applicationAbout $12$32.09$13.13$9.70$9.32$13.24
Application MethodChewChewChewTopicalTopicalTopical
Frequency of ApplicationMonthlyEvery 3 monthsMonthlyMonthlyMonthlyMonthly
Kills fleas
Kills ticks
Kills eggs and larvae
Treats ear mites
Heartworm prevention
Treats hookworms, roundworms
  • Idoxasoline Drugs

Although NexGard Spectra may be the option with one of the most wholesome protection, I chose to skip on the product as it is in the idoxasoline class. Such drugs have been associated with neurological adverse reactions and seizures in pets. FDA has reported that such drugs are safe for pets’ use but personally, I choose to stay away after reading reports on them. Other products in the idoxasoline class include some of the Bravecto and Revolution products.

  • Drug Coverage

After eliminating those brands, I was left with the option of Heartgard, Frontline and Advocate. Although Advocate may be cheaper in price, it misses out in tick prevention which I feel is more important and deadly compared to ear mites. Hence, I chose a combination of Heartgard and Frontline as part of our parasite prevention routine. 

  • Lifestyle Suitability

We also consider whether the different topic drugs are waterproof or not. Brands such as Advocate are in fact not fully waterproof for the entire course of 1 month. The brand recommends bathing your pet not more than fortnightly. Hence, this may not be suitable for some pets. On the other hand, Frontline Plus is fully waterproof 1 day after application. Activities like bathing or swimming will not reduce the effectiveness of the product! 

Owners also have to check whether their pets are allergic to certain ingredients in the drug. For example, Nexgard Spectra chews are all beef-flavoured which will not be suitable for some pets who are allergic to beef. 

Some owners may also opt for the yearly vaccination to prevent Heartworm disease. As mentioned by a few owners, the price for the jab is dependent on the weight of the dog and the clinic which you go to. For reference, the price of the jab for a 12kg dog is about ~$140.

Where do we buy them?

Heartgard Plus is not sold over the counter in Singapore. Instead, you will have to get them from the vet, with or without a consultation. The price of Heartgard Plus (6pc) from the vet is about $70.  Instead, I buy them on Shopee or Carousell where the prices are much better as they are mostly from Malaysia

As for Frontline Plus, they are usually cheaper from PerroMart ($~58). VIP members of PLC will get to enjoy an even lower price (~$53) during the month of their birthday!

P.S Always consult your vet is you are unsure! The above is based off my research and lifestyle suitability.

The above article is written by the hooman of @lokithetoast.

Community Stories

How To Choose A Suitable Diet

Even the best dog influencers and cat influencers out there have to be ensured a healthy diet to stay strong and active. There are a diverse variety of pet food options out there, but which types of foods are truly the best for your furkid? Here are some points to consider if you are in a dilemma over a suitable food option for your own pet:

Do your research well, and balance out certain factors

As the pet food industry continues to grow in popularity, there are now a multitude of diet options to choose from: from dry kibbles to cooked, freeze-dried and even raw food…the options are limitless. Not to mention, different commercial food brands and companies also offer their own unique benefits to stand out from their competitors.

 All diets have their own pros and cons, and owners should do their own research and balance out particular factors in order to decide what is the most suitable option. For example, cost should be an important factor since maintaining a pet’s diet for the long term is key. Other factors may also include availability of food (only available locally or overseas), brand credibility and reputation, and so on.

 Human foods and other unique treats

Owners might be tempted to give your pet a variety of foods, and that includes human foods or treats meant for other animals. However remember to do so with caution. Do a quick online check just to ensure that your pet can eat the right food; for example, human snacks and chocolates are not meant for any cat or dog! It might be tempting to prove your own pet unique as it eats a diet based on human foods, but that is not meant for every pet.

 Every pet’s diet suitability is different

That also brings us to the most significant point that summarises it all: every pet is different, and it will be a journey of trial and error before you and your pet find out what is best for them. Certain breeds, for example, might be more predisposed to having sensitive stomachs, or needing certain supplements to boost their digestion and other health conditions. So do not take it for granted that just because other furkids are having a particular diet, your own furry friend should be doing the same as well! Instead, continue to observe and try out a variety of dietary options, and you will definitely help your pet find a suitable, healthy diet soon. 

Community Stories

Where Should Your Pet Go When You Are On Holiday

Sometimes, you just might need a break from Singapore or just a break from work or school with a mini staycation, but you are in a dilemma as to where to bring your furry friend. Even the most popular pet influencers have to be banned from most holiday areas that are strictly out of bounds to pets. But fret not, as here are some words of advice to follow when you are troubled about holiday plans with your favourite fur-friends:

Bring It Along With You

It is good news to know that more and more staycation destinations are now pet-friendly! From huge chalets to luxurious hotels, a quick online check will list out quite a few recommended options. So if you can’t stand the thought of your pet separating from you, why not bring it on a mini getaway with you too? If you are considering a more expensive long-term stay overseas, you can also opt to bring your pet on a flight as some airlines are pet-friendly.

However do note that it is costly, and a lot of time has to be spent on logistics and ensuring that your pet will get used to the unfamiliar destination and sensations of being on a plane ride. Some countries also enforce a quarantine period, so do research properly on the destination country’s laws and regulations regarding pets.

Find A Trusted Temporary Owner

If you have little choice but to take a break without bringing your fur-friend along, a most budget-friendly option will be to find a trusted loved one to take care of your pet temporarily. However do remember to delegate responsibilities wisely, and ensure that you do not miss out on anything before your trip. The last thing you might want is your pet to suffer in the hands of someone who might not be trustworthy.

Experienced Daycares and Pet Hotels

To find someone with more relevant experience might also be a good option, despite it being more expensive. But it is always good to be careful, especially with the recent controversies about inappropriate treatment of pets at daycares and pet hotels. Looking out for good reviews online or from word-of-mouth is always advisable, and it is also good to check out the amenities and staff before making a final decision. Different places might also have different types of “schedules” or “experiences” for your pet’s stay, such as the type of food and playtime options offered to your pet, so also ensure that your pet is comfortable with such relevant experiences!

If you make a wise decision after considering all your options (and considering which option your pet is the most comfortable with), you do not need to worry that your fur-friend might feel upset that you are going on a trip. In fact, your furry companion might enjoy its time just as much as you!

Community Stories

How To Spend More Quality Time With Your Pet

As we are consumed by work, it is inevitable that we spend merely a few hours with our most precious furry companions every day. However, rather than thinking that this should be the least of our concerns, we should realize that even our most popular dog influencers and cat influencers can get stressed out and sad due to loneliness as well. Here are some tips you should follow to ensure that your favourite fur-friend gets to spend quality time with you:

Go on pet-friendly outings!

One easy way to do so is to take out some time during the weekends just to spend it exclusively with your pet, and what better way to do so than to bring your pet to pet-friendly areas and events? Be it just a neighbourhood walk at the park or a large-scale pet-friendly event, your pet will definitely enjoy its time socializing with new (human and animal) buddies, and exploring rather than being cooped up at home alone. You don’t necessarily have to organize social outings with other owners and pets, but do take note that pet-friendly areas are often crowded during weekends!

 Do things for your pet

Doing things for your pet is an indirect way of spending some good bonding time with your fur-friends. Be it cooking up a new treat recipe, or making something for your pet like DIY-ing a pet collar, your pet and you can enjoy the quality time spent. Not only will your furry companion appreciate its new gift, but you might also be able to pick up a new hobby and make some new friends along the way. Many pet owners and pet-related companies post up free recipes and tips online, and some of them may also organize affordable workshops for such activities.

 Spend more time with your fur-friend (literally)

If you can’t afford to take the time and energy out when you are on a tight schedule, just remember that even a few minutes alone with your fur-friend everyday will make it happier than usual. Be it just allowing your pet to cuddle up next to you or a short 15-minute walk, such little moments together can also contribute to improving your overall relationship with your furry friend.

Most importantly, do remember that you should never make any excuses when it comes to spending quality time with your pet. No amount of Instagram likes, followers and comments can replace actual bonding moments and make your pet happier.

Photo by Helena Lopes from Pexels

Community Stories

Importing your pet into Singapore

Having a pet is a life-long commitment. The second you decide to bring a furbaby into your life, it’s imperative to follow it through and care for it to your best ability, even if it means traversing across the world with it.

I adopted the two-month-old Simba whilst pursuing my bachelors degree in Brisbane, Australia. Funnily enough, I have always thought of myself as a dog person (sometimes I think I still do!), and would never have imagined I’d become this “crazy cat lady” that all my friends identify me as.

Simba kept me company in my 2 years in Australia, and when it was time for me to come home to Singapore, I knew I had to bring him along. My inexperience in the due processes of bringing my furry best friend home left my helpless and dejected. Thus, I hope that, through my sharing, pet-owners would be less clueless when it comes to importing your pet into Singapore. After all, no one should be separated from their furbabies!

Pre-flight Preparation 

First of all, you need to be prepared to commit time applying for permits (both import and export), bringing your pet to various appointments (i.e. vaccinations, health check-up, etc.), and buying the necessary logistics etc. You will need a Singpass account in order to apply for the import permit, search for “Licence to Import/Export/Transship Animals, Birds, Eggs and Biologics” at this website. Special note for dog owners, you’ll need to apply for a dog licence as well! (not applicable to cats). 

Here are some of the things I prepared for Simba for the flight! 

Airline Approved Pet Carrier
I spent about $120 on this as I had to get the large size. Simba weighed about 8kg back then (yeah he’s a huge cat ?).You can find such carriers at pet supplies shops such as Pet Lovers Centre or Kohepets

Feliway Calming Spray
I used this when Simba was younger whenever he was placed in a stressful situation, such as when going to the vet. This spray replicates the natural facial pheromone that reassures, comforts and calms your cat, providing a sense of security in the environment it is located at. It costs around $30 and you can find them easily at Perromart or Nekojam
His favourite toy! Put into the cage a toy that your furbaby likes to keep him/her company! Simba loved this snake toy when he was younger. Look how well he slept hugging his favourite friend ?

General Timeline

Potential Costs

Secondly, be prepared to set aside at least $1500-$2000 for this whole process. This includes expenses like license application, vet visits, buying of logistics and flight ticket. The final cost will depend on your export location, and the number of quarantine days required for your pet (~$50 per day for Singapore). Other potential costs may also include food that is being fed to your pet while he/she is in quarantine. The exact number of quarantine days is dependent on which country you are importing your pet from (see table below, click on the link to find out more information). Simba did not require any quarantine as he came from Cat A country, so I was able to bring him home straight away after we disembarked. 

Category A
Countries/Region of export free from rabies
Category B
Countries/Region of export with negligible risk of rabies
Category C
Countries/Region of export with controlled risk or low incidence of rabies
Category D
Countries/Region of export with undetermined risk of rabies
Australia, New Zealand, Republic of Ireland, United KingdomCayman Islands, Denmark, Germany, Hong Kong SAR, Iceland, Japan, Jersey, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, New Caledonia, Norway, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland, USA (Guam and Hawaii only) Austria, Belgium, Canada, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France, Italy, Latvia, Netherlands, Slovakia, Spain, Taiwan, United States of America (except Guam and Hawaii)All countries not listed in Categories A, B, and C.
NParks: Veterinary Conditions based on Country of Import

Cautionary Note

I may not have all the answers, but I will be happy to provide advice on any questions that you may have as well! It’s been 2.5 years since Simba and I came back to Singapore. At the end of the day, despite all the effort and money spent, I did not regret it for one second, and every cent spent was well worth it. Because Simba is my family (or as the Aussies call it – Rellie!), and I will never leave him behind.

The above article is written by the hooman of @simbathemonstercat.