Creator's Academy

How to be selected as a petfluencer for a campaign?

1. Be a registered petfluencer under The Woof Agency


The Woof Agency is always on the look-out for great pet profiles to join our network. You don’t have to be @grumpycat to get the opportunity to work on campaigns! Not into kibbles? No pressure – you have full control over the type of campaigns you are interested in

If you are interested to be part of the #cool kids, fill-up the form now! For now, we accept all pets – dogs, cats, bunnies, hamsters from all countries as we operate globally. Note that only public profiles with pets-only content will be accepted.

2. Proven track record of having good posts


By good posts, we mean high-quality photos accompanied by a well thought out captions. What exactly do you like about the sponsored product? Share them with your followers!

Petfluencers are generally expected to do an Instagram post within a week, after receiving the sponsored products.

3. Have a high engagement rate


As a general rule, we look for profiles with at least a 5% engagement rate to take on campaigns. You can check your profile’s engagement rate here.

Here are some tips on how to increase your profile’s engagement rate!

  • Post consistently
  • Have a visually consistent feed
  • Promote your Instagram profile on other social accounts
  • Track and learn from your best-performing Instagram content

Other factors taken into consideration would be the number of comments your posts get.

4. Campaign-specific requirements


Depending on the campaign specifics, the brand may be looking for particular types of pets. Examples of campaign-specific requirements would be short-fur pets, pets with sensitive skin or a multi-pet household.

Profiles will only be selected if they meet these additional requirements.

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How To Choose A Suitable Diet

Even the best dog influencers and cat influencers out there have to be ensured a healthy diet to stay strong and active. There are a diverse variety of pet food options out there, but which types of foods are truly the best for your furkid? Here are some points to consider if you are in a dilemma over a suitable food option for your own pet:

Do your research well, and balance out certain factors

As the pet food industry continues to grow in popularity, there are now a multitude of diet options to choose from: from dry kibbles to cooked, freeze-dried and even raw food…the options are limitless. Not to mention, different commercial food brands and companies also offer their own unique benefits to stand out from their competitors.

 All diets have their own pros and cons, and owners should do their own research and balance out particular factors in order to decide what is the most suitable option. For example, cost should be an important factor since maintaining a pet’s diet for the long term is key. Other factors may also include availability of food (only available locally or overseas), brand credibility and reputation, and so on.

 Human foods and other unique treats

Owners might be tempted to give your pet a variety of foods, and that includes human foods or treats meant for other animals. However remember to do so with caution. Do a quick online check just to ensure that your pet can eat the right food; for example, human snacks and chocolates are not meant for any cat or dog! It might be tempting to prove your own pet unique as it eats a diet based on human foods, but that is not meant for every pet.

 Every pet’s diet suitability is different

That also brings us to the most significant point that summarises it all: every pet is different, and it will be a journey of trial and error before you and your pet find out what is best for them. Certain breeds, for example, might be more predisposed to having sensitive stomachs, or needing certain supplements to boost their digestion and other health conditions. So do not take it for granted that just because other furkids are having a particular diet, your own furry friend should be doing the same as well! Instead, continue to observe and try out a variety of dietary options, and you will definitely help your pet find a suitable, healthy diet soon. 

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Where Should Your Pet Go When You Are On Holiday

Sometimes, you just might need a break from Singapore or just a break from work or school with a mini staycation, but you are in a dilemma as to where to bring your furry friend. Even the most popular pet influencers have to be banned from most holiday areas that are strictly out of bounds to pets. But fret not, as here are some words of advice to follow when you are troubled about holiday plans with your favourite fur-friends:

Bring It Along With You

It is good news to know that more and more staycation destinations are now pet-friendly! From huge chalets to luxurious hotels, a quick online check will list out quite a few recommended options. So if you can’t stand the thought of your pet separating from you, why not bring it on a mini getaway with you too? If you are considering a more expensive long-term stay overseas, you can also opt to bring your pet on a flight as some airlines are pet-friendly.

However do note that it is costly, and a lot of time has to be spent on logistics and ensuring that your pet will get used to the unfamiliar destination and sensations of being on a plane ride. Some countries also enforce a quarantine period, so do research properly on the destination country’s laws and regulations regarding pets.

Find A Trusted Temporary Owner

If you have little choice but to take a break without bringing your fur-friend along, a most budget-friendly option will be to find a trusted loved one to take care of your pet temporarily. However do remember to delegate responsibilities wisely, and ensure that you do not miss out on anything before your trip. The last thing you might want is your pet to suffer in the hands of someone who might not be trustworthy.

Experienced Daycares and Pet Hotels

To find someone with more relevant experience might also be a good option, despite it being more expensive. But it is always good to be careful, especially with the recent controversies about inappropriate treatment of pets at daycares and pet hotels. Looking out for good reviews online or from word-of-mouth is always advisable, and it is also good to check out the amenities and staff before making a final decision. Different places might also have different types of “schedules” or “experiences” for your pet’s stay, such as the type of food and playtime options offered to your pet, so also ensure that your pet is comfortable with such relevant experiences!

If you make a wise decision after considering all your options (and considering which option your pet is the most comfortable with), you do not need to worry that your fur-friend might feel upset that you are going on a trip. In fact, your furry companion might enjoy its time just as much as you!

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Keeping beach outings fun and safe

The sun’s out, and now that we are able to visit the beach again, many of us are excited to bring our dogs to the beach! However, it is very important that us dog owners maintain good hygiene for the benefit of both our furkids and ourselves.

There have been recent reports on four individuals who visited Sentosa and developed skin irritation. And we know that our furkids are also susceptible to such infections. Here are our 5 tips to ensure that you and your furkid have a fun & safe beach outing.

1. Watch what they drink

Sometimes furkids end up drinking saltwater when they’re playing around in the sea. Drinking of salt water can lead to diarrhoea and an upset tummy so do be careful and keep a close eye on your pup while he plays in the water. 

Make sure you bring plenty of fresh water to keep your furkid hydrated. Pack along a collapsible bowl or a water dispenser in your bag the next time you visit the beach.

2. Wash up thoroughly after your outing

With Covid-19 still prevalent, we all have to continue being vigilant and maintaining good personal hygiene that keeps both hooman and furkids safe! 

For hooman, if you are having a picnic by the beach do remember to sanitise your hands before eating. Wash your hands regularly as well and clean up before heading home(especially if you took a swim).

Similarly for our furkids, bathe them thoroughly before heading home – use soap for a more thorough cleanse. Dogs may get a build up of sand and salt in their fur that can cause skin irritation. So remember to scrub them down to avoid any skin irritation or flare ups. 

3. Prevent sunburn

Our furkids are susceptible to sunburn just like us and it can cause a risk of skin cancer. Breeds that have light skin & fur or have a short coat are more prone to getting sun burnt. Take special care around the ears and nose as these areas are more sensitive. 

Avoid staying in the sun for too Long. My recommendation is for sunlight exposure to be less than an hour. If your pup is prone to getting sunburn, find a shady area and let your pup rest in the shade intermittently while playing in the sun. 

4. Look out for open wounds

We have all heard that salt water is good for wounds right? Yes that is true! But sea water is not equivalent to salt water. In addition to salt, seawater also contains bacteria which can be harmful. These bacteria can lead to the wound becoming infected.

Before your pup goes running into the sea, check his body for any open wounds. Dogs with open wounds are not recommended to go Swimming in sea water. 

Have some fun in the sand instead, keep the wound dry and Ensure proper follow up care. If the wound is serious, bring your dog to the vet for proper treatment.

5. Jellyfish alert!

Earlier this year, there were reports of people getting stung by the deadly box jellyfish at various beaches in Singapore. This creature has been spotted at Sentosa, Lazarus Island, East Coast Park and St John’s Island. The boxed jellyfish is a venomous marine creature whose sting can be fatal to both dogs and humans.

It is very very crucial to be vigilant when visiting the beach and swimming in the water. Look out for any possible sightings of the boxed jellyfish and keep your furkid away from the water. If you spot one of these jellyfish, warn those who are swimming of the danger. 

If you or your furkid gets stung by a boxed jellyfish, go to the vet or hospital immediately to get treated. For emergency first-aid, soak the stung area in seawater, vinegar or a 70% alcohol solution. If the tentacles are still stuck around your furkid, pull off the remaining tentacles with a stick or towel but be careful not to rub them or touch them with your bare hands.

With these tips, you will be ready and equipped for your next beach outing! With preparation and caution, you can both enjoy a great day at the beach. Do remember to maintain social distancing and be responsible while having fun. 

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Importance Of Training Your Pet

Pet training can come in many different varieties—from basic toilet training, to complex tricks and skills that will make your furkid impress your family and relatives. Today we will be sharing some information on the importance of pet training.

Your pet can make more friends.

This is relevant to your ordinary pet influencer—be it a dog influencer or a cat influencer—or just an active, friendly furkid who is eager to expand its social circle. Bringing your pet outdoors, going to pet events, and even just bringing another furkid home (temporarily or permanently) requires your pet to be able to handle the unfamiliar situation of meeting new people and animals. If your pet have had adequate training in staying calm, non-aggressive and approachable when meeting new friends, it will be a delight to bring your pet out as not only will you find it enjoyable, your pet will feel the same way too. In contrast, fear or aggression towards strangers will give you little choice but to narrow your pet’s chances of meeting new furfriends.

 A well-trained pet means encountering less danger.

Training your pet to stay calm and close to your side is essential, but most pet owners might not realize it till its too late. Often, your pet might be very curious and sensitive to new situations and triggers, such as loud sounds or going to a new environment. Even your most well-trained pup may be tempted to follow a stranger home without you noticing sometimes! Thus, it is important to train your pet to stay by your side at all times, even if it’s just the basic “heel” trick that ensures that your pet walks at your pace, and stops when you stop on a walk. Your pet will know to follow your instructions, and will be prevented from encountering more danger outdoors.

 You will have an easygoing pal in the household!

Last but not least, a well-trained pet also means a much more comfortable experience at home. Your pet will be less prone to causing damage at home (broken and bitten furniture), and/or causing unnecessary distress to your family and neighbours. Remember that pet training comes in all aspects; even the basics, such as eating a meal properly and regularly will require some form of discipline and training for all pets!

While there are many different styles and forms of pet training, do remember that pet training should also not necessarily be tough and uncomfortable for your pet. It is important to seek advice from other pet owners and professionals, and if your pet seemed to be experiencing discomfort from the training, it is best to switch to other methods or even a different professional trainer. 

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How To Spend More Quality Time With Your Pet

As we are consumed by work, it is inevitable that we spend merely a few hours with our most precious furry companions every day. However, rather than thinking that this should be the least of our concerns, we should realize that even our most popular dog influencers and cat influencers can get stressed out and sad due to loneliness as well. Here are some tips you should follow to ensure that your favourite fur-friend gets to spend quality time with you:

Go on pet-friendly outings!

One easy way to do so is to take out some time during the weekends just to spend it exclusively with your pet, and what better way to do so than to bring your pet to pet-friendly areas and events? Be it just a neighbourhood walk at the park or a large-scale pet-friendly event, your pet will definitely enjoy its time socializing with new (human and animal) buddies, and exploring rather than being cooped up at home alone. You don’t necessarily have to organize social outings with other owners and pets, but do take note that pet-friendly areas are often crowded during weekends!

 Do things for your pet

Doing things for your pet is an indirect way of spending some good bonding time with your fur-friends. Be it cooking up a new treat recipe, or making something for your pet like DIY-ing a pet collar, your pet and you can enjoy the quality time spent. Not only will your furry companion appreciate its new gift, but you might also be able to pick up a new hobby and make some new friends along the way. Many pet owners and pet-related companies post up free recipes and tips online, and some of them may also organize affordable workshops for such activities.

 Spend more time with your fur-friend (literally)

If you can’t afford to take the time and energy out when you are on a tight schedule, just remember that even a few minutes alone with your fur-friend everyday will make it happier than usual. Be it just allowing your pet to cuddle up next to you or a short 15-minute walk, such little moments together can also contribute to improving your overall relationship with your furry friend.

Most importantly, do remember that you should never make any excuses when it comes to spending quality time with your pet. No amount of Instagram likes, followers and comments can replace actual bonding moments and make your pet happier.

Photo by Helena Lopes from Pexels