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Why brands should leverage short-form content: Instagram Reels, TikTok

When looking back at 2020, I’m sure all anyone can remember is the COVID-19 pandemic. But with the rise of COVID-19 cases, 2020 also saw a huge rise in the appeal and consumption of short-form video — especially on the app, TikTok.

Vine walked so TikTok could run

Short-form content — content less than a minute long — is not new to us. It has long existed since 2013, popularized by the now-defunct platform, Vine. This all began when users on that platform would create 6-second looped videos, creating all sorts of content, from synchronized dancing to “meme-worthy” comedy videos. 

Consuming content on the go

Now, short-form content is even more popular than before thanks to TikTok, and Instagram’s Reels. 

This trend can be attributed to a number of factors, including the shortened attention spans of consumers. In an age of constant distractions and an overwhelming amount of information available at our fingertips, people are less likely to spend a long time engaging with a piece of content. Instead, they want to quickly consume information and move on to the next big thing.

Another key driver is the increasing use of mobile devices. With the convenience that smartphones and tablets bring, more people are consuming content on the go. Hence, they are looking for shorter, bite-sized pieces of content that are easy to consume on a small screen.

Leverage short-form content 

Platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and Twitter are designed for quick, snackable content, and they have become a go-to destination for millions of people looking for entertainment, news, and information. And leveraging them is easier than you think!

We previously talked about the power of customer reviews, and how it has the power to influence potential consumer’s purchasing decisions. Instagram Reels makes it really easy for you to share testimonies  — simply repost any User-Generated Content (UGC) by getting existing consumers to contribute a video testimonial. 

With the increase of users on these platforms each year, demand for short-form content continues to grow. Therefore, the number of users marketers can reach with ads on platforms like Instagram’s Reels feed and TikTok is bound to increase.

Is going viral a bad marketing strategy?

Both Instagram Reels and TikTok present an endless potential; it allows you to reach new audiences that seemed impossible, simply with a trending video. 

Now, wanting to go viral isn’t bad. But trying to go viral isn’t a good marketing strategy. The internet and its algorithm are unpredictable, and unless you have the pulse of knowing what the next big thing is, it’s always safer to create authentic content true to your brand.

It is also what makes them hooked. Relatability is the strongest tool in short-form content, and when executed correctly, it helps you stand out in the loud market we’re living in. Remember, audiences want to connect with your content, and that connection is what makes people share your videos around! 

Brand's Resources

7 Common Mistakes in Social Media Management

There are billions of people across the many social media platforms out there, and this number is bound to increase with each passing year. From Facebook to Twitter, brands and businesses are always looking for ways to connect with their audience, be it in the form of tweets or branded assets. 

However, as simple as it may be, oftentimes these brands and influencers tend to make the same mistakes over and over again. This causes them to ask the same old questions, “Why are my followers not seeing my posts?”, “Why am I not seeing results?”, “Why am I not growing?”. 

Therefore, we present to you 7 common mistakes in social media management — a handy guide in ensuring you don’t make the same rookie mistakes. 

  1. Not switching to a Business account

First and foremost, not updating your Instagram profile to a business one can harm your brand. While Instagram Business and Creator profiles might look similar to each other, they are intended for different purposes and users. 

Creator profiles are suited for influencers, creators, celebrities, and artists. Whereas Business profiles are intended for brands and organizations. 

Making this switch allows you to unlock Instagram’s tools and features that are designed to help you grow — most importantly, Instagram in-app analytics

  1. Not leveraging Instagram Stories

Introduced in 2016, it was initially seen as Instagram’s efforts to imitate the Snapchat feature with the same name. However, it has grown to become a key feature and marketing tool on Instagram as it allows users to post whatever they want for a limited time. 

Unlike evergreen content that is meant to stay forever (depending on the user’s intention), Instagram Stories are ephemeral content that’d last for 24 hours before disappearing forever (unless posted on “Highlights”). 

So why does ephemeral content work? Well, it’s natural to have a fear of missing out (also known as FOMO). And just like limited sales, it evokes a sense of excitement and inclusivity which encourages users to check out this fleeting content before it’s gone forever. 

  1. Buying likes and followers

It’s true that having big numbers says a lot about a company, celebrity, influencer, and creator. However, there is also a misconception that the amount of likes and followers measures the level of one’s success.

Well, most influencers receive money in exchange for a post or two, having a large community of followers doesn’t guarantee the success you think it does. Using these gimmicks to grow your profile, not only goes against the platform’s guidelines but also diminishes your credibility and tarnishes your reputation. 

But rather, focus on building your engagement rate which allows you to grow without vanity metrics. Vanity metrics are statistics that may appear spectacular on the surface, but don’t translate to any business value. For example, follower and view count.

  1. Failing to engage in conversations with your audience

On that note, prioritizing follower count over engagement rate is also a mistake that’s going to cost you in the long run. If you’re just starting, sure, it’s good to strive for a higher follower count. However, the higher your follower count, the harder it is for you to achieve a good engagement rate. Hence, when you’re starting, engagement rate might not be an issue.

What many users fail to understand is that there is no use having millions of followers, with an engagement rate of less than 1%. That is why you need to start boosting your engagement rate, by simply creating content that people want to engage with. 

If your posts aren’t gaining any form of engagement, it’s a sign for you to reevaluate the type of content you’re putting out. And when your audience is finally engaging with your content, don’t forget to engage back! 

  1. Not defining your target audience

There are millions of users out there. This makes it crucial to streamline your audience, so it reaches the right users. 

Not everyone on the platform will relate and connect with your content, and no matter what hard work you put in, if you aren’t able to understand your audience, you’ll struggle to achieve the results you want. 

Therefore, defining your target audience, allows you to focus your marketing efforts on users that matter. 

  1. Treating all social media platforms the same

Another rookie mistake is to treat all social media platforms the same. Each platform is unique and users on each platform digest content differently.

By seeking to understand how each platform works, you’d be able to learn the language of each platform and better communicate your objectives without missing the mark. 

Understanding your audience can also help you to increase visibility and with engagement from the right audience, processors would be able to promote your posts to the right audience.

  1. Coming on a little too strong

With billions of combined users on social media, content fatigue is very real. It describes the exhaustion users face by constantly being surrounded with NEW content all the time, and being unable to keep up with them. 

To stand out among the crowd, you need to engage and not flood your followers’ feeds with content every second of the day. By doing so, you’re causing your followers to dislike your brand. And soon enough, you’ll see your follower count take a nosedive. 

Therefore, it’s okay to take a break once in a while, and only put out content that matters — not for the sake of putting them out and overwhelming your audience.

Bonus: Not tracking or using analytics tools

Your social media strategy should be constantly updated to keep up with this ever-changing industry. A great way to move forward is to see the impact and performance of your past efforts. 

Therefore, by tracking your posts and using analytics to gather insights, you’re able to weed out content that underperformed or failed to achieve its intended purpose. It also allows you to know which content your followers are engaging well with, which only means one thing; you’re on the right track!

Brand's Resources

2022 Instagram Algorithm Explained – and what it means for brands

Instagram’s algorithm has been a topic of interest among users, brands, and even celebrities, who are desperately trying to figure out and “play the game” to simply make their posts seen by their followers. 

For those who aren’t familiar with Instagram, prior to 2016, Instagram’s feed has been displayed in chronological order, no matter how much you’ve interacted with the profile. But it all changed when Instagram launched an update, where user’s feeds are now curated based on their activity on the app… until 2022.

What changed in 2016?

Since 2016,  Instagram has an algorithm (or more accurately, algorithms) that helps them determine which posts to show you, in no particular order. Which means you might miss a post or two, from an account you love but “rarely interact” because they aren’t as active as other profiles. 

According to Instagram, their algorithm is made up of different algorithms, and processors to determine which posts make it. Not only that, different portions of the app have their respective algorithms. Which explains why the Explore page is so different from Reels. 

Instagram’s 2022 algorithm

Earlier this year, Instagram introduced the ability for users to switch between chronological order, as well as the feed that Instagram’s processes have worked hard to curate for users on the platform. 

In a tweet by the Head of Instagram, Adam Mosseri, users can choose between these three options:

  • Home 
  • Favorites 
  • Following 

With Favorites, Instagram is letting users play a bigger role in controlling their feed. You can curate your own feed by adding profiles you love to the list, with a maximum of 50 (for now anyways). And that’s not even the best part!

Even under a different feed, like “Home”, profiles in your “Favorites” list will rank higher up in your feed. This is a big change for business and brands who are struggling to gain visibility, and feeling like they’re constantly getting “shadowbanned”.

  1. “Shadowbanning doesn’t exist”

Last year, Adam Mosseri also debunked misconceptions about Instagram’s processes and assured users that shadowbanning does not exist. He attributes reasons why followers aren’t interacting with (your) posts is due to their tendency of looking “at less than half of their feed”. 

There are ways to avoid this by creating consistent and quality content that resonates with your audience, which reflects your brand’s image. 

Pro-tip: Find out the performance of your posts with Instagram Insights

  1. Leverage Instagram’s analytics tool

Instagram is currently providing insights in areas such as:

  • Accounts engaged – likes, saves, shares, and comments
  • Accounts reached – users who have seen your post/on screen
  • Overall content – data that represents your audience’s behavior/interaction with your content (link clicks, ad taps)

Keeping your audience engaged should remain a top priority no matter your goals, and you can do just that with the statistics provided. By leveraging Instagram’s analytics tool, you’d be able to gain better insights into your posts. 

  1. Putting your audience first

You’d find that trying to gain visibility is no longer a challenge, if you simply deliver content that they want. With that approach, you’re bound to appear on their feed, and hopefully even in their “Favorites” list.

Instagram is constantly changing and developing to make the platform more accessible for brands, businesses, consumers and creators alike. So, keep a lookout for future updates for creators!  

Brand's Resources

Instagram scheduling – and what it means for brands

If you haven’t already heard, Instagram has just released a brand new function for creators. So, buckle up ‘cause you’re in for a treat!

What’s new on Instagram?

Wait for it… an in-app scheduling tool!

This new update comes in after weeks of testing with selected users, and it’s officially available for professional accounts on the platform. With this new tool, creators can schedule Photo and Carousel posts, and Reels up to 75 days in advance — doesn’t that sound sick?

And that’s not all! Instagram has also launched “Achievements” celebrating the efforts Instagram creators have put into their Reels. 

How does the in-app scheduling work?

Looking to schedule your first Instagram Reel? Head over to “Advanced Settings”, where you can find “Schedule this post”. Select the time and date that you want the post to go live, click “Schedule” and there, you’re set!

There are three ways you can unlock various “Achievements”:

  1. Collaborate with other creators on the platform using Add Yours stickers, or collab tools 
  2. Interact with the community by making your Reels more interactive (with stickers like Polls, Quizzes, etc.)
  3. Join conversations by using trending audio or effects

How does it change the way you work?


Whether you’re a creator or working as a social media manager, you’d know all too well about third-party scheduling tools like Hootsuite or Planoly, used to schedule posts on social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and even LinkedIn.

You’d also know that these tools are not 100% foolproof and might fail you from time to time. However, you can now save time with Instagram’s latest feature. You no longer have to jump across multiple third-party tools and tabs just to schedule a single carousel post. 


That’s not the only thing you’re saving! These third-party scheduling tools do come with a price; a subscription fee. Now, with Instagram’s in-app scheduling feature, you no longer need subscription plans across multiple tools. I’m talking about $20 to $50 a month per tool, so if you’re currently subscribed to multiple, that’d be almost $100  — creators and brands rejoice!


If you own a creator account, and you aren’t scheduling your posts, now’s the time to do so. By scheduling your post, you’re able to upload real-time updates. For example, if you’re hoping to upload seasonal posts or preparing for product launches, scheduling allows you to post them at the exact date and time you want. 

Additionally, you can now work with a better schedule as it allows you to plan your content accordingly. Rushing through content and only posting whenever you’re done can lead to inconsistency in your feed. Furthermore, your posts can get lost in your follower’s feed or drowned out by the algorithms, if you have a sporadic posting schedule.  

Instagram’s newest feature makes it convenient for creators who are new to scheduling. 


Instagram’s latest tool allows you to accomplish what some of the aforementioned third-party tools can’t (like Carousel posts, location tagging, etc.). Which is bound to come in handy with the holiday season coming up. What are you waiting for? Get to scheduling!

Brand's Resources Creator's Academy

Instagram Reels vs TikTok: Which is better?

It can be hard to figure out which media channels to use for your company. Every social media platform has a different type of distribution content, not to mention different target audiences and media cultures. 

Fret not. Once you understand how the different platforms work and what kind of content best fits the audiences, you’ll be going viral and gaining a following in no time. Right now, video content is crucial in marketing your products and getting your brand out there. What’s the difference between Instagram reels and TikTok videos? 

By Pawjourr

Instagram Reels

For starters, just because they’re both video-based content doesn’t mean they are the same. The two media platforms are giants in their own way and have different ways to connect to audiences. 

Instagram, the old classic. It’s been around for a long time and chances are, your company already has an Instagram page of its own where you post your own branded content. Mainly a platform that posts images instead of videos, all that changed when Instagram reels were introduced in 2020. 

Typically lasting 15 to 60 seconds, these reels allow you to further your audience and reach. While Instagram stories are tied to your page and only your followers are privy to your content, your reels are discoverable through the ‘Explore’ page on Instagram and there’s a higher chance of your video being seen by new users. 

By Pawjourr

Due to the nature of the platform, content on Instagram is inclined to be a little more formal. That doesn’t mean all the fun stuff should be taken away but rather, educational videos for your brand’s community and polished informative videos are more likely to do better. 

You can also decide whether or not to have it displayed on your grid layout – you can move it to the reels tab instead. That way, your content can be curated in a different way than your images. Personalised vlogs, special takeovers and campaign videos all fit the bill! 

Statistics show that Instagram reels earn up to 22% more engagement than video posts shared on the native feed, so next time you want to post a video, you might want to publish it as a reel instead. 


The underdog that grew in popularity during the pandemic, is not to be taken lightly either. Even though it hasn’t been around as long as Instagram, the chances of going viral tend to be much higher and your content has way more chances of reaching new users due to the platform’s ‘For You Page’ algorithms. 

It might seem like TikTok isn’t the best platform for marketing your brand but it’s a huge window of opportunity. In fact, 84% of marketers are diverting their attention to TikTok. The emphasis on community and vlogging allows brands to connect with their customers while marketing their products with ease. 

By Pawjourr

The nature of TikTok videos tends to be more candid and real. Think of funny sketches, down-to-earth conversations and product reviews. In truth, it can be anything. The beauty of TikTok is that, unlike Instagram, there’s less pressure to curate your feed and create a unified brand of content. Since users are mainly scrolling through videos on their FYP, your videos will most likely be viewed individually. 

By Pawjourr

When to use IG Reels or TikTok

Even though there isn’t a strict rulebook you have to follow, after trial and error, you’ll find that your brand will be connecting with different communities on both platforms. Social media statistics show that TikTok’s users point to its rising popularity amongst teenagers while Instagram frequents both young adults and teens. 

The advertising opportunities on the platforms differ slightly. While Instagram is no stranger to including ads in your feed, TikTok puts a big emphasis on creator-based ads against Instagram’s ‘shopping’ section and shoppable ads. 

TikTok also tracks both the brand’s profile as a whole and the individual video performance. This means overall metrics, total playtime and geolocation. Instagram reels offer the general analytics you’re used to, interactions, reach, and engagement statistics with reel-specific data to get insights on. 

Take a look at the CatCare Water Fountain campaign in partnership with DogCare. Featuring Pawjourr’s pawfluencers, the two platforms saw different engagement statistics and results. Since the creative briefs were the same for the campaign, the style and content of the posts remain the same – the only difference was the social media platforms

By @maiathemeow on Instagram

The combined reach of the campaign, with 18 pawfluencers, was 129,000 accounts reached  with 4,300 profile engagements. 

Similarly, the campaign was also held on TikTok, featuring 12 pawcreators from Pawjourr. The results were 539,000 accounts reached with 6,900 profile engagements. 

By @tabbyandtuxedocat on TikTok

 Ultimately, you get to decide how your brand intends to curate your content and persona on these platforms. The difference between Instagram and TikTok might be confusing, but once you get the hang of it, it’s really rewarding. 

Don’t forget that your brand stands a good chance of reaching different audiences through the two different platforms. Growing your community and brand awareness is essential in building your brand, but remember to keep your content authentic and sincere. 

This way, no matter what you do, your content is sure to do well no matter what the platform is. 

Creator's Academy

Increase engagement with your followers.

Your pawpal’s follower count might be high, but are you connecting to your followers? Engagement refers to interactions your followers have with your content and reflects how interested they are in your photos and videos. Here are some tried and tested strategies to have your followers coming back for more!

1. Know when to tell a story

We are fairly certain that you wouldn’t promote a product that isn’t good for your pawpal. However, you should consider that Instagram posts of pets with their products are a dime in a dozen. You can appeal to your followers by weaving a story into your posts.Tactical Reviews have their uses in explaining the products without too much fluff. Storytelling, on the other hand, comes into play when you would like to tug the heartstrings of your followers, or if you just want to talk about how it changed your day-to-day routines.

2. A peek behind the curtain

This rings especially true for curated pet profiles with a strong emphasis on feed aesthetics. Your audience will no doubt love your furry friend’s beautiful photos, but you will seem far from them if all they get to see is perfection. 

Instagram Stories allows pet owners to show their pet’s candid and unglamorous moments, without disrupting their profile aesthetic. Your followers will be able to relate to these brief moments of authenticity better and come back to you more often.

3. Stickers = Conversations

Your Instagram Stories are also a good way to actively ‘converse’ with your followers, thanks to the many interactive stickers provided. These will encourage your followers to engage with you and feel connected to you.

Polls, Quizzes, and Emoji sliders give you a quick sense-make of what your followers think about products. As the results of these stickers are instantaneous, they immediately see how their involvement affects the results.

Questions readily seek input from your audience. Your followers are always excited to share their thoughts, and Question stickers give them that space without flooding your inbox.

4. Using the right hashtags

Hashtags help to make your post more visible in searches and reach more people as a result. Selecting the best hashtags can make the difference between appearing on the top of the search, or drowning beneath the hundreds of others. Use a mix of commonly trending hashtags with niche, targeted hashtags to drive your posts to the right audience.

A tactic that is not as frequently used is creating personal or branded hashtags. A simple and memorable hashtag makes conversations driven by you, or about you, easy to find. This works well on both Instagram and Twitter, which are both hashtag-focused. Remember to place the hashtags on your bio so that people who visit your profile will know what to look for and what to use!

5. Collaboration is key

Start a play date with other doggos or felines! When you hang out with more pawpals and make content together, you effectively share a fraction of each other’s audiences. This also means you will be visible to new and potential followers.

If your pet is feeling shy, you can run hashtag challenges and have other pawpals re-create the things you and your pet are doing. TikTok has dominated community collaborations this way to drive engagement and create more content than one can do on their own, so see what kind of collaborations work for your pets!

Check out our social media articles!

How to Improve Videos and Views on TikTok | Pawjourr Blog

Understanding Instagram’s Algorithm | Pawjourr Blog

Making (Sponsored) Videos | Pawjourr Blog

Cover photo created by freepik –

Creator's Academy

Make your pawpals even prettier with these editing apps

TikTok and Instagram may have their own editing features, but we always crave more. Third-party apps have come a long way to make the editing process much easier, and more comprehensive than what the original apps already do. There are many apps out there that can do the job, so let’s narrow down two apps per platform to begin your content creation journey.


Free to download (Membership at SGD 11.48 / month)

VSCO is a place where expression matters the most. The app offers a wide range of presents, which can be adjusted to varying looks and finishes similar to classic rolls of film. VSCO also recommends presets based on the photo you select.


  • Adjustable filter strength
  • Lookbook to preview downloading new filter packs
  • Free to download


  • No touch-up features
  • No stickers, animations


Free to download (Pro at SGD 6.98 / month)

The industry standard for photographers on their phones everywhere. While Adobe Lightroom does not have presents, its extensive fine adjustment features let you bring out the full potential in your photos. If you’re not sure how to edit your photos, you can use Lightroom’s presets for a one-stop process. Alternatively, if you’ve used it long enough you can save your edits as presets for future photos too!


  • Detailed adjustment settings
  • Tutorials to guide you through editing process


  • Extensive features locked by paywall
  • No stickers, animations
  • Comprehensive features might confuse newcomers


Free to download (Pro at SGD 5.98 / month)

Developed by Bytedance, CapCut is a video editor that seems tailored to complement TikTok. CapCut features exclusive copyright songs, trending stickers, and custom TikTok fonts. With these in your kit, you’ll be able to make your TikTok videos stand out!


  • User-friendly interface
  • Huge library of songs
  • Directly Exports to TikTok


  • Can only upload one video per project
  • Might lag when editing larger videos


Free to download (Pro at SGD 5.98 / month)

InShot is a popular video editing app for quit editing features. For first-time users, its well-categorised library of stickers, tags, music, and sound effects makes the app inviting and easy to understand. If that isn’t enough, InShot also comes with pre-loaded aspect ratios so you can edit your videos to suit the right platform!


  • Stitch videos together
  • Fast and simple editing features
  • Free to download


  • No video overlay functionality (e.g. Duet, React, etc. need to be recorded first)

Now that you know…

Editing doesn’t have to be done on Instagram and TikTok. Granted it’s convenient, but there are apps out there with better features. Later this week, we’ll be giving you an editor showcase. See for yourself how your pawpals can look after putting them through VSCO!

Photo by Cup of Couple from Pexels

Creator's Academy

10 Instagram Accounts You Should Be Following

With our guides on making the most out of Instagram complete, we have shortlisted accounts that we feel make the cut for content creation. These pawpals serve a particular type of content, and they do it well enough that you can take inspiration from them for your own pawpal! From paw vloggers to fashion pawdels, stay-home cats to outdoor doggos, here are 10 Instagram accounts you should be following.

1. spongecake_thescottishfold

What do Sponge Cake, Mocha, and Donut have in common? No, they’re not confectionery, they’re cats! @spongecake_thescottishfold follows Sponge Cake and his two siblings as they travel around the world in their hooman’s arms. In between photos of the felines posing in their new ribbons, they also upload very wholesome Instagram videos of them walking down the bustling streets.

2. tuckerbudzyn

Pet parenting is a topic that all pawrents can relate to. @tuckerbudzyn is a Golden Retriever who wears his heart on his hekkin sleeve for his pawrent (or momager as they would call it) to share with the world. Now with a new son @toddbudzyn, Tucker has to show his journey as a pawrent too!

3. goodboyhuds

@goodboyhuds’ curated Instagram feed invites users to a snow-white landscape made possible by the light tones in his props, furniture, and even his environment. With all the elements out of the way, Hudson’s bronze coat holds your attention, putting the pup centre-stage.

4. _missygigi_

Gigi and her hooman chronicle their daily lives in their detailed photo journal, @_missygigi_. In perhaps an intentional design choice, Gigi’s photos are made dimmer and given the vignette finish to emphasise the memory embedded between the lines of each post caption.

5. myyzephyr

True to his name, Zephyr’s (@myyzephyr) feed shows the doggo having the time of his life with the wind blowing through his fur. While Zephyr’s photos are varied in styles, one thing’s constant — his hooman knows how to catch him at his best angles!

6. polar.woof

Polaris (@polar.woof) guides his followers around the great outdoors in his many adventures on his Instagram. Every photo transports you to another environment with the Samoyed’s sense of wonder pulling you into the thick of it all.

7. didi_the_fluffy_cat

Nothing says ‘classy’ like a furfriend who knows how to dress. Didi (@didi_the_fluffy_cat) fills her feed with OOTDs and costumes. With a wide range of outfits and a swagger to match, Didi shows her viewers who coolest cat on the block really is.

8. kyubi.ninetales

Fall in love with the magic of preparation and creativity when you look through Kyubi’s (@kyubi.ninetales) photos. Kyubi’s hooman takes photo shoots to the next level by making thematic photos out of various props and costumes, even making their own props like ribbons out of lottery tickets.

9. freyastormbreaker

Freya and Burger (@freyastormbreaker) are two tiny guardians with big hearts. The captions in their posts reveal a beautiful narrative (as interpreted by their hooman) and give their followers a peek into what makes these two puppers tick.

10. fuzziepals_

Two paws are better than one; double the trouble and still just as fun. Rigel and Gale (@fuzziepals_) play to their hearts’ content and cuddle with their hooman all day. Their open affection for each other can warm anyone’s heart on a cold day.

Feeling the spark yet?

Once you’ve ironed out the content that works best for your pawpal, get to creating! One day, you’ll be featured as a recommended Pawpal to follow on Instagram too!

Need more help on Instagram? Check out the links below :

5 Tips to up your Instagram game!

Top 5 Petfluencer Photography Tips

Exploring Instagram’s Functions

Cover photo by @kyubi.ninetails

Creator's Academy

Understanding Instagram’s Algorithm

If you’ve been on Instagram long enough, you’ll have heard that the best way to get ahead of the curve is to post at ‘peak hours’. Timings where traffic is highest so users will see your posts immediately a.k.a The Chronological Feed. Sadly, that no longer works. In a new update, Instagram rolled out the new Instagram Algorithm 2021, which is designed to decide what content you get to see when you open the app.

The algorithm at its core

Instagram’s new algorithm basically ensures that the posts and stories you see right away are the ones you want to see. Your followers all have their own habits and browsing routines, so the algorithm is summed up in four factors:

  1. Information about the post — Is that post a photo, a carousel, or a video? Where was it published from? How long is the video?
  2. Information about the poster —How interesting are you to them? How often do people engage with your content? 
  3. Browsing activity — Do they tend to watch a lot of videos? What type of content do they typically engage with? 
  4. Interaction history — Do they typically like or comment on your posts?

The algorithm in Instagram Stories is similar and more obvious — Stories of accounts you interact with most often get pushed to the front, regardless of whom posted most recently. However, since Stories are shorter and can be binge-watched, your followers are more likely to swipe to your content.

Interactions that affect the algorithm

When prioritising content for each of followers, the Instagram algorithm puts into consideration five forms of interaction that supplement the factors we just mentioned. These are:

  1. Time spent — Will they bother to spend time on the post?
  2. Likes — Will they like the post?
  3. Comments  — How likely are they to comment on the post?
  4. Saves — How likely are they to save the post?
  5. Taps on Profile — How likely are they to tap on the profile after seeing the post?

Do you want people to spend more time on your content?

The advent of the new algorithm provides us with the opportunity to explore video formats as well. If your followers are shown to like more dynamic content like videos and gifs, but you do not want to crowd your feed with too many types of posts, you can use Instagram Stories (which only lasts 24 hours but can be saved as highlights), or Instagram Reels (which has a longer duration limit and appears permanently on a separate tab).

Is this post likely to be liked or commented on?

If the content you are posting is supposed to drive engagement, it would be good to draw Insights from your followers as to what kind of posts do better on your profile. If polished, well taken photos of your pawpal get more likes and comments than your casual pictures of them, then you can consider steering your profile to a more polished feed.

Is this a post someone would save and come back to?

This is especially true for educational posts, like tips & tricks. Think about whether your post will leave your followers coming back to it for repeated views.  Loopable videos like Jade Taylor Ryan’s TikTok of her cat Ed dancing to Mr. Sandman are comfortable to watch over. And over. And over again.

Does this post include a CTA (for example, “Click the link in my bio”) that will prompt someone to tap on your profile?

If you have campaigns, promotions, or events happening on your profile, your posts should include a CTA so that your followers know there’s more in store when they go to your profile.

Now that you know…

It’s always important to remember that Instagram is always upgrading its algorithm. What works now may not work next year. So while this guide is still relevant, please take this opportunity to experiment with the content you are making and most importantly, to have fun with your pawpal while doing so

Photo by Oleg Magni from Pexels

Creator's Academy

Exploring Instagram’s Functions

Instagram has been constantly evolving since its debut in 2010. What used to be just a platform to share images has now become a network for conversations, content creation, and e-commerce. Let’s walk through some of the latest game-changers to the app this year.

Map Search

To make the app a hub for businesses, Instagram rolled out ‘Map Search’, a function found on the top right corner of the discovery tab. The map search function makes it convenient for users to find details and tagged posts of people in a particular area.Map Search also outlines popular stores, hotels, and restaurants. This feature will show the businesses’ working hours, price details, profile links, and related posts within that area. If used properly, it could be a treasure trove of hidden gems for you and your furkids to eat, play, or just hang out at!


Instagram Reels was introduced as a new way to create and discover short, entertaining videos on the platform. Users can make minute-long videos with an array of effects such including:

  • Audio – Use a song from the Instagram music library, or use your own original audio
  • AR Effects – Created by both Instagram and creators around the world, these effects can be stacked on a single reel
  • Timer and Countdown – The timer allows you to record your clips hands-free.
  • Align – Line up objects from previous clips to create seamless transitions.
  • Speed – Speed up or slow down part of the video or audio in your reel.

Remix Reels

Similar to TikTok’s Duet Feature, Remix Reels was added to Instagram to film split-screen reaction videos. This format is good for reaction videos, collab performances, and creative challenges

Image from Instagram

IG Stories

While not new, Instagram has continued to make its stories more relevant, innovative, and versatile. The function brings to the table the ability to send fleeting, casual content that only lasts 24 hours. Because Instagram Stories are more engagement-driven, they come with many tools like polls, questions, and quizzes.

Stories Captions

With the captions sticker, Instagram Stories are more accessible to everyone. The feature transcribes the things you say so that you can understand the clip even without audio.

Image from Instagram

“Add Yours” Sticker

“Add Yours” allows you to create a public thread in the form of a Stories sticker. Following a prompt or a topic, users on the Instagram Story will be prompted to respond with their own rendition of the topic. The stories of every user who reacted to the prompt are then stored as a collection, turning the sticker into a content chain really quickly. The “Add Yours” sticker is great for creating engagement well past your usual circle of followers due to how easy to spread it is, allowing you to find other like-minded furfriends.

Image from Instagram

Sharing links

Replacing the swipe-up feature in Instagram Stories is the Instagram Link Sticker. As the name suggests, you can add this sticker to your Stories to link people to an external website! This works especially well if you’re running a campaign on Instagram and want to direct your followers to a website!

Instagram Guides

Bringing blog posts to Instagram, Guides can be created using pre-published posts, places, or product listings from your or public accounts. This feature creates a dedicated post in your post that serves as a way to more easily share recommendations and tips with your followers.

Image from Instagram

Instagram Live 

Instagram Live brought streaming to its platform five years ago. We were able to share content in real-time and have a dialogue with their followers — one guest at a time. Creators could use Instagram Live to engage with their audience easily and with significantly less preparation required. This year, Instagram updated Instagram Live with Live Rooms.

Live room

A fairly simple update, Instagram Live Rooms allows hosts to include up to three guests. This small increase can open a world of possibilities for creators — collaborative classes, webinars, Ask Me Anything’s (AMAs), and live performances!

Image from Instagram

Featured photo by cottonbro from Pexels